Fernside Boulevard Traffic Calming and Bikeways Project

Learn about design concept options for Fernside Blvd and let us know what you think! After June 26, community input from all sources will be summarized in a public document and utilized to develop final design concepts for consideration this fall/winter. 

Workshop, meetings, and survey:

Learn about the concepts:

This project will create a design concept to update Fernside Boulevard from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave, aiming to reduce auto speeds and increase safety and mobility for all road users, as well as develop design concepts to implement Active Transportation Plan bikeways. It will also work to develop a near-term striping update for Fernside from Tilden Way to High St that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing.

Events, Meetings, & Surveys

Postal mail

  • 5/20/2024: Flyer mailed to all addresses within 300' of Fernside Blvd (approx. 1,400)
  • 11/27/2023: Flyer mailed to all Fernside Blvd addresses (approx. 400)

Email Bulletin Mailings


Online Surveys

  • 5/29/2024-6/19/2024: Design concept options survey
  • 11/21/2023-12/17/2023: Existing conditions survey (600 responses)

A-Frame Posters

Posters were placed on A-frames at 5 locations along Fernside Blvd during these dates:

  • 5/31/2024-6/20/2024
  • 12/1/2023-12/18/2023


Design concept options

Existing conditions & toolkit

Related plans and policies

Literature and data

Narrower vehicle lanes reduce vehicle speeds
Pedestrian safety improves with curb extensions
Bike lanes increase safety
Flashing beacons increase pedestrian safety
New York City Safety Treatment Evaluation

2022 analysis from NYC DOT of the changes to crash injuries and fatalities from various safety treatments based on data from 1,000 street improvement projects 2010-2021. For instance, curb extensions reduced pedestrian fatalities and severe injuries by over 44%, and separated bike lanes reduced all injuries for all modes by nearly 15%.



Project Phases

We anticipate the following phases for this project:

  1. Public outreach for existing conditions & initial input: November 2023-January 2024
  2. Public outreach for draft concept alternatives: May-June 2024
  3. Public hearings for final design concept: Transportation Commission and City Council public hearings (including seeking City Council approval), fall/winter 2024
  4. Resurfacing and restriping on Fernside Blvd west of High St, 2025 or 2026 (tentative)
  5. Construct full corridor project: Goal of 2030, but timing will depend on finding funding