The City maintains two websites that deal with various aspects of housing in Alameda, Alameda Housing Authority and the City of Alameda Rent Program.
Affordable Housing
Your primary resource for affordable housing in Alameda is the Alameda Housing Authority. Alameda Housing Authority provides information on housing assistance programs and projects; the Housing Authority seeks ways to expand the availability of affordable housing throughout Alameda. Any questions regarding the affordable ownership housing inventory in Alameda should be directed to the Community Development Department Program Manager at (510) 747-6884.
For current available listings, visit Alameda County's Housing page and the Alameda Housing Authority's Available Rentals page.
Rent Program
Learn about tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities under the City of Alameda's Rent Program. This program applies to approximately 13,400 residential rental units. Click here to learn more.
Senior Housing
Cardinal Point offers a Limited Income Program.
Public Works Department