A fire truck, also known as a ladder truck, carries multiple ground ladders of varying length and purpose; an aerial ladder used to reach upper floors of buildings; rescue equipment for forcible entry, extrication, etc; numerous power tools such as chain saws, ventilation fans, and lighting equipment. The Truck Company are the combat engineers of the fire service and primarily are charge with rescue, auto extrication, ventilation, and salvage of emergency scenes.
A fire engine, also known as a fire pumper, carries thousands of feet of fire hose, nozzles, hose couplings and other equipment. It also carries 500 gallons of water in a tank for a quick attack on a fire which is critical to fire control until they can establish a dedicated water supply from a fire hydrant. The fire engine is the basic response unit of the AFD and also have at least one of the members assigned trained to Paramedic level to provide prompt medical care.