Statement from Police Chief Nishant Joshi

Published on December 10, 2021


"The Police Department has received the Alameda County Coroner’s report regarding the death of Mario Gonzalez who was in police custody.

Anytime someone loses their life, it is a tragedy. I want to again extend my sincere condolences to Mr. Gonzalez’s family. I know they are already suffering the severe trauma of losing a loved one. The new information being released adds to that pain.

As Chief of Police, it’s my duty to complete a thorough investigation and take the actions necessary to ensure the safety of all members of our community. The officers who were involved in the death of Mr. Gonzalez are on administrative leave and their peace officer powers are suspended until this process is completed.

The County Coroner’s autopsy report concluded “the cause of death is the toxic effects of methamphetamine, with the physiologic stress of altercation and restraint, morbid obesity, and alcoholism contributing to the process of dying.” Because there was a physical altercation, the coroner further classified Mr. Gonzalez’s manner of death as homicide.

The Alameda County District Attorney’s office has the responsibility now to determine whether charges are appropriate against the individuals involved. While we wait for the District Attorney’s office to make their decision and with the knowledge of the Coroner’s report, the City will work diligently towards completing its ongoing independent investigation and take appropriate action.

I’m committed to full transparency and accountability into the tragic death of Mr. Gonzalez, and as soon as more information is available, we will continue to share it. Again, my heart goes out to Mr. Gonzalez and his family."

--Alameda Police Chief Nishant Joshi 

The Coroner Investigator's Report can be found here and the Autopsy Report can be found here

CORRECTION NOTE: The original statement published on December 10, 2021, referenced peace officer rights. This was corrected on December 13, 2021, to reference peace officer powers. 

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