City of Alameda Special Election to be held April 9, 2019

Published on February 21, 2019


City of Alameda Special Election to be held April 9, 2019

On January 2, 2019, the Alameda City Council adopted a resolution calling a special election on April 9, 2019.

Alameda voters will have the opportunity to vote on two measures regarding the vacant federal buildings on McKay Avenue. We encourage all Alamedans to get informed about Measures A and B and vote on Tuesday, April 9. The County Registrar will mail overseas vote by mail ballots starting February 13, Voter Information Guides February 28, and vote by mail ballots March 11.

Measure A, the Caring Alameda Act, if approved by voters, would confirm the City Council’s actions to permit the use of the McKay property for development of a wellness center, which would provide assisted living, medical respite, and supportive service facilities for the homeless. Voters will be asked:

Shall an ordinance confirming the City Council’s actions to permit reuse of vacant federal buildings on a 3.65-acre parcel on McKay Avenue and allow for the development of a wellness center for senior assisted living and supportive services for homeless individuals by changing the General Plan designation from “Federal Facilities” to “Office,” removing the Government Combining District classification and maintaining the existing zoning district designation, be adopted?

Measure B, if approved by voters, would rezone the McKay property to open space, but would not change the ownership of the property, establish a funding source, or create a public park. Voters will be asked:

Shall the initiative to change the land use and zoning designations for a 3.65-acre parcel on McKay Avenue, from Office/Administrative-Professional to Open Space, which prohibits the conversion of vacant federal buildings into a senior assisted living facility, medical clinic and supportive services for homeless individuals, and limits the use of the property to parks and related uses, be adopted? 

In 2017, the federal government determined that 3.65 acres of federal surplus land on McKay Avenue was an appropriate location for providing services to homeless individuals. Alameda Point Collaborative was selected to develop and provide these services once the Alameda City Council approved the necessary rezoning to allow the property to be used as a wellness center. The Council approved the rezoning in December 2018. At the same time, an initiative petition to rezone the property to open space, which would prohibit the conversion of the vacant federal buildings on McKay Avenue into a wellness center, qualified for the ballot.

At an ex parte hearing yesterday in the Alameda Superior Court, Petitioners requested the Court remove Measure A, the Caring Alameda Act, from the April 9 special election ballot. The Court took no action on this request, describing the request as moot. 

Register to vote here:

View a FAQ regarding the McKay Avenue property here:  


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