Most City of Alameda public meetings to take place virtually

Published on March 23, 2020

The regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting is taking place tonight, March 23. See below for how members of the public can watch the meeting via livestream and address the Board during the meeting remotely.

Several upcoming City meetings have been cancelled, including the Transportation Commission on March 25, the Civil Service Board on April 1, and the Open Government Commission on April 6. Please check the City’s website at for updates regarding meeting announcements and cancellations.

Last week, Governor Newsom announced a new Executive Order allowing Councilmembers to attend City Council meetings via teleconference. The next regularly scheduled City Council Meeting will take place on April 7, at 7:00 pm. City Hall will not be open to the public for this meeting. Councilmembers may join by teleconference or in person, adhering to strict social distancing of at least six feet.

Members of the public can watch City meetings via Livestream at To provide public comment during a meeting, you can send an email to, text a message to 510-747-4802, or leave a voicemail at 510-747-4802. Comments submitted during the meeting will be read into the record. Comments submitted prior to the meeting will be included in the meeting record.

Any requests for reasonable accommodations from individuals with disabilities should be made by contacting the City Clerk’s office by email at or by phone at 510-747-4800.

This City is posting regular COVID-19 updates at Please be sure to check back for updates on future meetings.

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