Letter to Alameda Business Leaders from City Manager Eric Levitt

Published on June 01, 2020

Dear Alameda Business Leaders,

We know many of you are very concerned about the civil unrest we are experiencing, and we share your concerns. The City Manager along with the Police Chief and Fire Chief have been working on strategies in preparation for possible unrest as we move into the week.

The City of Alameda has a curfew in place tonight and tomorrow night from 8pm in the evening to 5am the following morning. In addition, the County announced a curfew for the same times through 5am on Friday, June 5. Daily AC Alert messages will be sent regarding the status of any City or County curfew. If you are not getting these important alerts, please sign up here

Some of you have asked what actions you should take as a precaution. As your City Manager, my advice is to do what you can. Boarding up your business may discourage, but not prevent, vandalism and looting. Locking or securing valuables is a very good idea. These decisions are difficult to even think about and we hope what we saw last night does not continue.

Earlier today the City issued a statement from the Police Chief and a video statement from the Mayor. We also issued a press release announcing the curfew and have the regulations posted online.

As we reported out, we have substantially increased the number of officers we have on duty and have contingency plans in place to address the changing circumstances. We ask for your patience during these incredibly troubling times. We also ask for your understanding. Our first priority is protecting lives.

I hope you are all safe tonight. We will continue to post updates on the City's website and our social media channels, and I will send an update by email tomorrow.

Eric Levitt
City Manager