June 16 statement re: police reforms

Published on June 16, 2020

Over the last two weeks, residents have expressed their outrage and demand for change stemming from the arrest of an African American man on May 23, for resisting, delaying, or obstructing peace officers.

The City is committed to implementing meaningful reforms that take a critical look at our current policies and what we can do to further promote racial justice. Last week, the City called for an independent outside investigation of the May 23 incident. The two initial responding officers have been assigned to administrative leave during the independent investigation. And in response to recent changes in California law, the Alameda Police Department revised their use of force procedures.

Because this is an active investigation, the City is limited on the questions we can respond to for now. But we want you to know that we are committed to being as transparent as possible throughout this process, and as we continue to evaluate our policies, we will open up a dialogue with the community.

This Wednesday, June 17, at 5:30 pm, there will be a special City Council meeting to discuss police reforms. Members of the public can watch the meeting on livestream or join the meeting by Zoom: https://legistar1.granicus.com/alameda/meetings/2020/6/5209_A_City_Council_20-06-17_Meeting_Agenda.pdf

And this Friday, June 19, is Juneteenth, a celebration of freedom for African Americans. Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery 155 years ago. Yet here we are, 155 years later, and African Americans are not free from racism. This Juneteenth, let’s lean in together for change. We will share more soon about ways you can celebrate Juneteenth, but today, join us in making a commitment to be part of the change that is coming. We are listening, we are learning, and we will do the work. 

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