Guaranteed Basic Income pilot program being considered in Alameda

Published on May 09, 2022


On May 17, 2022, the Alameda City Council will consider whether to implement a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) pilot program, designed to help Alameda’s most vulnerable residents who are disproportionately affected by a wide range of financial challenges.

GBI programs provide a flat monthly cash payment to a defined population of residents. These programs are distinct from other financial assistance programs in that they are unconditional, unrestricted, and include regular payments for a period of time. This flexibility allows recipients to make their own spending decisions that best meet their basic needs.

There are nearly 100 GBI pilot programs in the United States, including in Oakland and San Francisco. The City of Stockton’s pilot program, which launched in 2019, is one of the best known examples in the country. The Stockton program demonstrated increased financial stability among the recipients when compared to a control group.

At a prior meeting, the Alameda City Council requested a report about the development of a GBI program. In response, City staff will be presenting pilot program options at the City Council’s May 17, 2022 meeting. To view the May 17 City Council agenda, register to attend the meeting by Zoom, and read the staff report about the GBI pilot program, visit

If the City Council gives direction to proceed with a GBI pilot program, staff will outline a series of tasks necessary to finalize the research and administrative structure, with a possible program launch in spring or summer 2023. 

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