District Attorney Declines To File Charges Following Police Incident

Published on July 16, 2020

District Attorney Declines To File Charges Following Police Incident on May 23, 2020 in the City of Alameda

On July 14, 2020, the Alameda District Attorney’s Office informed the City of Alameda that it will not file charges against Mr. Mali Watkins or the involved City of Alameda police officers for the incident that occurred in the City of Alameda on May 23, 2020. The District Attorney further offered training to Alameda Police Department (APD) Officers relating to detention and consensual contacts. The City and APD welcome this generous offer and look forward to working with the District Attorney’s Office to further enhance its operational procedures.

The District Attorney’s letter expressed additional thoughts regarding the May 23, 2020 encounter, including her view that the detention lacked probable cause. This letter has been made available to the City’s independent investigator, Mr. Alfonso Estrada, for his review in the course of his confidential independent investigation. The letter can be accessed here(PDF, 329KB).

Contact: Sarah Henry, Public Information Officer

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