May 17 City Manager Letter to Alameda Business Leaders

Published on May 17, 2020

Dear Alameda Business Leaders,

Anticipated modifications to health order coming soon - not in place yet
Alameda County and the greater Bay Area have been similar in their health orders since the original Shelter In Place Order was issued on March 16, 2020. Last week, San Francisco issued new protocols for curbside retail, saying they expect to release guidelines and start allowing this modification of their order on Monday morning, May 18. We anticipate that Alameda County may follow suit soon, however, please note that at this time, curbside retail is still not permitted under the existing health order.

Alameda County is following the progress made on five key indicators that will guide when and to what degree restrictions to the County's health order are lifted. The five indicators look at 1) the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalized patients, and if that number is flat or decreasing, 2) if we have sufficient hospital capacity, 3) if sufficient testing is being conducted each day, 4) if we have sufficient contact tracing, and 5) if we have at least 30 days of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) available for healthcare providers.

The County is moving in a measured and incremental way to avoid big spikes in cases and to protect people who are at higher risk for severe illness. Based on the progress of these five indicators, the County anticipates safely moving into early Stage 2 activities this coming week, including curbside retail and associated manufacturing and warehouses only. For eligible businesses in these categories, the County plans to align with the State’s guidance where possible. 

As soon as an announcement is made by the County with additional direction, we will share that with you. Meantime, the County advises every organization and business, regardless of when it will be permitted to open, to be working on plans that include physical distancing, training for employees on limiting the spread of COVID-19, and disinfection protocols. 

City Council Meeting Tuesday, May 19
This Tuesday night, May 19, the City Council has two items on the Special Meeting Agenda of particular interest to the business community.

First, the Council will discuss a proposal to create an Alameda Strong Community Relief Fund that could provide grants to small businesses, nonprofits, and residential renters negatively impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is in addition to the $600,000 COVID-19 Small Business Relief Program the City Council approved on April 21. 

The demand for the Small Business Relief Program exceeded funds available, with 238 applications for 80 grant opportunities. This new Community Relief Fund creates a special public/private partnership to solicit donations from residents, businesses, and foundations as a supplement to the existing program.

Coming to the City Council in June is another form of COVID-19 relief, using $580,000 in CARES Act funds for emergency rent relief to low-income tenants.

Second, in anticipation of reopening commercial businesses on Park and Webster with physical distancing and other health and safety protocols and procedures, staff is preparing a Commercial Streets program that would repurpose space within the right-of-way to provide additional space for customers and “take out” services. The proposed Commercial Streets program includes:

  • Creating additional pick-up/loading zones in place of metered parking spaces;
  • Using City sidewalks and parking lanes for commercial purposes;
  • Allowing businesses to use private parking areas for non-parking purposes;
  • Reducing the four travel lanes to two lanes in the core areas of Park Street and Webster Street (if supported by WABA) so the outer lanes can be used for parking, loading, and bus turnout;
  • Relocating curbside parking to the outer travel lane so the existing curbside parking spaces can be used for expanded space for pedestrians and business operations; and 
  • Considering closing a side street if desired by the business district.

You can download the full City Council meeting agenda here.

Watch the meeting via the regular livestream here or to participate via Zoom, please register here.

You can address the City Council during the meeting via email, send a text to 510-747-4802, or leave a voicemail at 510-747-4802. 

Comments submitted during the meeting will be read into the record, subject to speaker time limits. Comments submitted prior to the meeting will be included in the meeting record, but will not be read. 

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work through these unprecedented challenges together.

With gratitude,

Eric Levitt
City Manager