Community-led policing review and racial equality committees

Published on October 06, 2020

In June, the City Council approved a framework for a community-led process on the future of policing and systemic racism in Alameda. The City Manager appointed a Steering Committee to take the lead in developing recommendations and published a call to the community to participate in Subcommittees that will address the following five topic areas:

  • Unbundling services currently delivered by the Police Department
  • A review of Police Department policies and practices
  • Police Department accountability and oversight
  • A review of laws that criminalize survival
  • Systemic and community racism/anti-racism

The response from community members interested in participating was overwhelming. The Steering Committee assigned around 50 people to be members of five Subcommittees. More information about the process, the Steering Committee, and Subcommittee members can be found at

The Steering Committee and five Subcommittees have met several times to identify their mission, goals, and information needs. The website will be updated regularly, including with ways for the public to hear more and share their feedback.

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