City releases information about officers involved in in-custody death

Published on April 28, 2021


City releases information about officers involved in the in-custody death of Mario Gonzalez

UPDATED: April 28, 2021, 6:00 pm

The City of Alameda is committed to ongoing transparency regarding the in-custody death of Mario Gonzalez on April 19, 2021, and is releasing information regarding the four Alameda Police Department (APD) employees who were involved.   

As previously shared with the public, there are three ongoing investigations into this matter, including criminal investigations by the District Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Department, and an independent investigation launched by the City, led by Ms. Louis Renne of Renne Public Law Group.

The four involved APD employees have now been interviewed by both the District Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Department. Those employees are Police Officer James Fisher, hired by the City in 2010, and Police Officers Cameron Leahy and Eric McKinley, hired by the City in 2018. All three police officers remain on paid administrative leave.

Civilian Parking Enforcement employee Charlie Clemmens was also involved and is also on leave.

The City of Alameda is committed to complete cooperation with the ongoing investigations.

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