City addresses reckless driving and speed-contest activity

Published on August 20, 2021


City of Alameda takes action to address reckless driving and speed-contest activity  

Following multiple reports of vehicles engaging in unsafe driving and speed-contest activities at Alameda Point earlier this year, on June 1 the City Council directed staff to take appropriate actions to address this significant community impact. Consistent with Council direction, the Alameda Police Department and the City Manager's Office put measures in place to increase safety in the area, including additional patrol, increased signage, open communication with event organizers, intelligence development, an investigation into vehicles and drivers seen engaging in reckless driving, roadway design changes, and partnerships with local businesses.

In July, shortly after increasing patrols at Alameda Point, Alameda police officers observed a driver of a vehicle actively spinning donuts and immediately intervened. As a result, the driver received a citation for reckless driving and their car was impounded for 30 days. 

The citation was forwarded to the Prosecution Unit of the Alameda City Attorney’s Office for prosecutorial consideration. In August, Deputy City Prosecutor Wes Cheung filed a criminal complaint against the driver involved in this incident, alleging a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 23103(a), commonly known as reckless driving.

The safety of our residents, businesses, and visitors is the City’s top priority. Unsafe driving and speed-contest stunts will not be tolerated anywhere in Alameda.

As the Alameda Police Department continues its increased enforcement and investigation into reckless driving and street racing activities, the City's Attorney's Office is committed to working with our law enforcement partners to justly enforce state and local laws and protect the safety of all who live, work, and visit the City of Alameda. Reckless drivers may be subject to having their vehicle impounded for up to 30 days, their licenses suspended, fees/fines, and/or jail time.

If you see someone engaging in reckless behavior, please call 911.

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