City of Alameda Rent Program Publishes 2023 Annual Report

Published on February 21, 2024


In 2023, the Alameda Rent Program identified 53 tenants who were owed refunds after paying rent increases not in compliance with local law; obtained tenancy information for 437 previously unregistered rental units; and responded to an average of 761 monthly phone calls, emails, and document submissions from the public. These are just a few of the highlights from the Rent Program’s recently released 2023 Annual Report.

The Rent Program completed its first full calendar year as a division of the Alameda City Attorney's Office after making the transition from the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda in fall 2022. The annual report details Rent Program activities during 2023 and presents data on cases, submissions, registration, and Alameda's rental market.

The report shows that Rent Program staff:

  • Processed 78 requests to verify compliance with rent regulations
  • Ensured more than $46,000 was refunded to tenants who had been paying invalid rents
  • Processed 45 “no fault” terminations of tenancy and 19 buyout agreements
  • Monitored 73 units for compliance with restrictions imposed on landlords following a “no fault” termination of tenancy
  • Hosted 26 informational workshops
  • Coordinated 28 rent adjustment hearings, including 14 successful tenant petitions in which hearing officers ordered landlords to reimburse tenants more than $15,000 based on, for example, a decrease in housing services or substantial deterioration of the rental unit

“I could not be more proud of the work that the Rent Program staff has done to help landlords navigate their responsibilities under the City’s rental regulations and assist tenants who have questions about their rights,” said Rent Program Director Bill Chapin. “The Rent Program is committed to its role in promoting equity and stability in the local rental market as part of Alameda’s goals to meet the community’s housing needs, reduce the risk of displacement, and affirmatively further fair housing.”

The Rent Program is tasked with administering the City’s Rent Ordinance and related regulations through education, community engagement, and collaboration. The Rent Ordinance applies to roughly 16,000 rental units in the City of Alameda. The local legislation limits annual rent increases for 83% of rental units citywide that are not exempted by state law; prevents landlords from terminating a tenancy except for certain allowable grounds and requires a relocation payment in cases where the termination is not the fault of the tenant; and requires landlords to register all rental units with the Rent Program and pay an annual program fee.

Landlords or tenants who have questions about their rights and responsibilities under local law are encouraged to contact Rent Program staff at 510-747-7520 or, or visit for resources.

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