Changes to Public Comment at Alameda City Council meetings

Published on November 18, 2023


In order to enhance civic engagement by creating a civil, respectful, and welcoming environment for all participants, public comment under Agenda Items 4 and 9 - Oral Communications, Non-Agenda (Public Comment) - will only be allowed from in-person speakers in Council Chambers at City Hall, beginning with the November 21, 2023 City Council meeting.


After multiple remote speakers at a recent City Council meeting made public comments containing hate speech during an “Oral Communications, Non-Agenda” item, Alameda will follow the lead of several other Bay Area cities by discontinuing remote public comment on these items. For all other agenda items, including the Consent Calendar and Regular Agenda, members of the public may speak in person, or remotely by Zoom, following instructions posted at the top of each agenda (


We believe this change reflects our continuing efforts to create a community where Everyone Belongs.



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