COVID-19 Nov 15 Update: case numbers, health order, travel adviso

Published on November 15, 2020


COVID-19 cases are increasing in most places, including here in Alameda. To date, the City of Alameda has 540 cases and 16 deaths. When we look at the 7 day case rate over 7 weeks, we can see the numbers increasing, with 62 cases in the last 14 days. Alameda County has 25,872 cases and 490 deaths; the State of California has 1,019,345 cases and 18,253 deaths; the United States has 11,022,584 cases and 246,101 deaths; and worldwide there are 54,296,615 cases and 1,315,881 deaths.

7 day case rate

City of Alameda 7 day COVID-19 case rate over 7 weeks

Shelter in place health order

Because of the increase in COVID-19 cases across the Bay Area and state, Alameda County has temporarily paused plans to reopen additional activities. That means that for now, what is open is allowed to remain open, but masks and distance are critical to keeping our community safe. On November 12, the County released a statement saying it is likely that we will need to close higher risk activities shortly.

The State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy places counties into a color-coded tier system for reopening based on case rate, test positivity rate, and health equity (a measurement to ensure that cases are not clustered in the most vulnerable areas).

Alameda County is currently in the orange tier, with moderate transmission of the disease. To remain in the orange tier, Alameda County’s daily cases per 100,000 have to be 1-3.9 (currently 3.8), test positivity rate 2-4.9% (currently 1.6%), and health equity measurement 2.2-5.2% (currently 2.8%). As COVID-19 cases continue to increase, the County anticipates moving into a more restrictive tier soon.

Wear a mask when you leave home

Coronavirus spreads when an infected person speaks, sneezes, or coughs within six feet of others. You may have the virus and spread it even if you feel well. To slow the spread, health orders require everyone over 2 years old to wear a mask when outside the home. Adults and children must wear masks at playgrounds and on popular trails.

Check to make sure you are wearing your mask properly over your nose and mouth. A mask is only effective if it covers both ways you breathe.

And remember, a cloth face covering doesn’t take the place of physical distancing. It is effective when combined with keeping six feet from others.

masks must be worn at playgrounds

Everyone 2 years and older must wear masks at playgrounds, incuding all adults

COVID-19 Testing

Free COVID-19 testing is now available in the City of Alameda by appointment only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 8:30am-2pm. To schedule an appointment, please click here.

Testing is also available at County testing sites. Click here for locations, days, hours, and more information.

Alameda testing site

NextGen COVID-19 testing site at 2175 Monarch Street, at Alameda Point

County recommendations for safer holidays and travel

Alameda County joined health officers from ten Bay Area counties to issue shared recommendations for safer holidays and travel last week.Dr. Nicholas Moss, Alameda County Interim Health Officer, stated, “Alameda County residents can help ensure the holiday season doesn’t lead to a wave of new cases by celebrating safely and taking the right steps to protect themselves and loved ones from this highly contagious virus.”

The safest way to celebrate this holiday season is virtually or with members of your household. The risk of spreading COVID-19 goes up if you gather with people you do not live with. If you travel, keep it short, stable, and outdoors. Nonessential travel, including holiday travel, is not recommended.