Press Release

Published on April 07, 2022


Alameda County District Attorney finds no criminal liability in the tragic death of Mario Gonzalez

The City of Alameda has learned that the Alameda County District Attorney (DA) concluded Alameda Police Officers James Fisher, Cameron Leahy, and Eric McKinley, who were involved in the in-custody death of Mario Gonzalez on April 19, 2021, “are not criminally liable.” The DA’s Final Report states that “the officers’ decision to detain and arrest Mr. Gonzalez, and their subsequent use of force was objectively reasonable considering the agency policies, the totality of the circumstances, and the officers’ stated rationale.”

This information from the District Attorney will assist Ms. Louis Renne of Renne Public Law Group in moving the City’s independent investigation closer towards completion. The officers involved in the death of Mr. Gonzalez remain on paid administrative leave and their peace officer powers have been suspended until all investigations are complete.

The City remains deeply committed to transparency and accountability and will share additional updates when new information is available. You can view a copy of the District Attorney’s Final Report here.

Updated April 12, 2021, with photo, video, and PDF files available to view and download in the right sidebar.

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