Speeding and Safety Concerns on Otis Drive Workshop


Gail Payne, Senior Transportation Coordinator




Speeding and Safety Concerns on Otis Drive

The City of Alameda invites you to participate in a workshop to discuss community concerns related to speeding and safety while walking, bicycling and driving on Otis Drive between Westline Drive and Willow Street.  We also will be discussing ideas for safety improvements and traffic calming. 

WHAT: Workshop to discuss speeding and safety concerns on Otis Drive

WHERE: Wood Middle School multi-purpose room, 429 Grand Street

WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 6:30 pm

Otis Drive is listed in the citywide transportation plan as a Vision Zero corridor with a goal to reduce citywide traffic deaths and severe injuries to zero.  In September 2018, the City hired a consultant team – Parisi/CSW Design Group – to provide professional outreach, planning, design and an improvement concept for Otis Drive.  The first step in developing improvement concepts for Otis Drive is to gather community input from workshops, online surveys and written correspondence. Subsequent stages will include concept development and a comprehensive analysis in early/mid 2019 with an expected approval date for a preferred concept in mid/late 2019.

The goals of the workshop include discussing:

  • Areas where people on foot, riding a bicycle or in vehicles may feel unsafe, and identifying the reasons;
  • Areas where there are conflicts between people on foot, bicycles and in vehicles;
  • Options that could promote walking, riding the bus or bicycling, such as bike lanes or improved bus stops;
  • Options to reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise; and
  • Options to improve streetscape, such as gateway treatments and landscaping.

We invite you to participate in the January 31 workshop and to sign up for email updates by sending an email to gpayne@alamedaca.gov.  If you have any questions or want to express what you would like to see addressed in the Otis Drive initiative, please contact Gail Payne at 510-747-6892 or gpayne@alamedaca.gov.   


  • Thursday, January 31, 2019 | 06:30 PM


Multi-Purpose Room

Wood Middle School, 429 Grand Street, 94501, View Map

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