AC Transit Community Workshop

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Help build our future transit service

We are updating our bus network. You can help! 

The pandemic has significantly changed riders’ travel patterns, presenting AC Transit with the critical need to update where, when, and how buses move throughout our service area.  In addition, we are facing considerable budget constraints and encountering difficulties in hiring and retaining Bus Operators. These challenges require us to uncover new and viable solutions for our bus network. Central to our recovery solution is Realign.

Following valuable community input, we are excited to unveil the findings from Phase 1 of our Realign planning process. Through extensive data collection, including surveys, market analysis, origin-destination analysis, and service assessment, we have started building a new bus service network aimed at enhancing the experience for our existing riders and, ideally, attracting new ones as well. We are now entering Realign's Phase 2. During this phase, we will present key findings from our research, introduce a draft set of guiding principles, and invite you to provide feedback on their importance to your travel needs. This stage also allows us to revisit our progress, ensuring that we have addressed all relevant aspects of the project. Your input is critical in helping to shape our future plans.

Join us for these upcoming public meetings:

This will be a multilingual meeting with Spanish and Chinese interpretation held online via Zoom.


You will be able to attend via Zoom at, or by telephone at (669) 900 9128, using Webinar ID: 813 9315 7289.

Please visit the AC Transit website: for more information.

We can also be found at local community events and locations throughout the East Bay, a listing and information.



  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
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