Portola Music Festival

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The two-day Portola Music Festival is returning to San Francisco's Pier 80 on Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29, from 1-11pm each day, with outdoor amplified sound ending at 10:45pm on Sunday night. 

Please call the community hotline at 877-324-8151 from Thursday, September 26 - Sunday, September 29 to report a complaint that will enable sound adjustments in real time.  

In the past two years, noise and vibrations from the festival were heard and felt in the City of Alameda. Event organizers take take the concerns of our residents seriously and are making changes to mitigate these impacts, including:

  • Outdoor sound ending at 10:45pm on Sunday – 15 minutes earlier than the previous two years
  • Lowering volume and base levels (A and C weighted dB limits)
  • Adjusting the stage orientation and conducting sound checks in the days before, during which the community hotline will be staffed with additional call center personnel
  • Placing two stationary sound monitors in Alameda and adding a dedicated roaming sound monitor based in Alameda
  • Upon receiving a complaint, the dB reading at the monitor closest to the complaint location will be reported to the sound engineer to determine next steps

Please read more from event organizers in this letter to neighbors(PDF, 114KB)The Entertainment Commission’s permit conditions include the Entertainment Commission’s Good Neighbor Policy

 Please sign up to receive more information from the City and from Goldenvoice