Important numbers to call for assistance:If you are experiencing or witnessing an emergency, call 911 Crisis Support: 800-309-2131 (24/7) Mobile Crisis Team: 510-891-5600 (M-F, 8-6) Homeless Hotline: 510-522-4663 (M-F, 9-5) Alameda Police Department Non-Emergency: 510-337-8340 (24/7) Not sure? Call 211
Available 24/7 (all day, every day):
Services with limited hours:
Download a guide of Mental Health Resources(PDF, 176KB) put together by Alameda Family Services. Visit the ACCYF website for additional resources.
The Homeless Hotline is a central phone line for people experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, local businesses, and Alameda residents to call for assistance and support: 510-522-HOME (4663): 9-5 M-F, after hours call 211
Important numbers to call for help:
Download(PDF, 176KB)Mental Health Supports put together by Alameda Family Services.
Click here to view form.
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