There are multiple Self-Help options to search for permit history on a property:

Accela Citizen Access Portal (ACA). ACA is the public portal to the City's online permit system. You can look up permit records for Building, Fire, Planning, and Public Works by address, assessor's parcel number (APN# in 9-digit format: 00-0000-000), permit number, or date range. Use ACA for permit records issued after 1995.
Click here(PDF, 266KB) for instructions
BuildingEye. BuildingEye displays permit info from ACA in a map display. Search by address, or use the filters on the left sidebar to filter by permit number, date, or permit type.
Historical Permit Building Records. Permits issued before 1995 are available on microfiche and are now available online. You can also view microfiche records in the Permit Center. Further instructions here: How to Search for Historical Documents(PDF, 224KB)
CommunityView. Use CommunityView to look up zoning and other information about a parcel.
Can't find it? If you can't find the permit record in the methods above, then very likely the record does not exist in City archives. If you believe the City has the record and that you can provide specific information to help the City locate it, you may submit a Public Records Request.