Commercial Streets Program

Commercial Streets logo  

In June 2020, the City launched its Commercial Streets program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to support the health and safety of Alameda and its businesses. The program streamlined the permit approval process for expanding dining and retail into new parklets (using parking spaces) and the sidewalks. It also repurposed the roadway along core parts of Park and Webster Streets to greatly increase the area available for outdoor dining, retail and services. The program evolved over time, and today the parklet program continues, and Park and Webster Streets are two lane roadways, with left turn pockets.  

With a parklet, a business can convert parking space(s) in front of and/or next to the business into an area for outdoor dining, retail or services. In 2020, the City streamlined the parklet permit process and over 30 parklet applications were issued. In 2022, an updated program was developed. In July 2023, the City Council approved extending the parklet program, with some modifications. And, in November 2023, the Council recommended continuing the program, and approved the fees and the concrete barricade installation.

Permit Application and Guidance:

Go to Public Works Permits to find documents under "Outdoor Retail, Services and Dining." 



2023 to 2024

On July 5, 2023, the Council approved concepts to retain the three lane configurations on Park St and Webster St, but to move the parking back to the curb and to utilize the excess space by adding bicycle lanes. At the same time, new short-term, loading and ADA parking zones were added. The City made these changes to Webster Street in April 2024 and to Park Street in May/June 2024. The approved concepts can be viewed here:

Park Street(PDF, 5MB)   \  Webster Street(PDF, 3MB)

2020 to 2022

At the request of DABA and WABA, the City reconfigured the core areas of Park and Webster Streets to “expand” the sidewalk by converting the existing parking lane into space for outdoor dining, retail, and the lining up of customers. The goal was to create enough space to allow for both a safe passage for people walking and shopping along these commercial corridors and for businesses to move some of their operations outdoors, given the County Health Order limitations in place through June 15, 2021 on indoor business. The parking lanes were moved into the nearest travel lane, narrowing core segments of these two streets to one lane in each direction, as follows:

  • Park Street from Lincoln to Encinal Avenues was completed on July 10, 2020

  • Webster Street from Lincoln to Taylor was completed on August 7, 2020

  • An extension of Park Street south to San Jose was completed on April 2, 2021

Six new in-street bicycle parking corrals were installed in June 2021: four on Park Street and two on Webster Street. Staff continue to monitor the changes and make modifications, as needed.

Park St_aerial_2020-07-10.jpg


Businesses in the Park and Webster Street Business Improvement Areas (BIAs):

Are allowed to set up outdoor dining, retail and services following the conditions outlined in the Outdoor Commercial Usage Conditions (find link below). No plans, permits or insurance documents are required in these areas, since all businesses are covered by the BIAs' encroachment permits. A minimum of eight feet of clear space for walking must be maintained along Park and Webster Streets, and six feet on the side streets.

For Businesses within all other commercial areas of Alameda:

The sidewalk may be used for outdoor dining, retail and services with an approved Sidewalk Usage Encroachment Permit. A minimum of six feet of clear space for walking must always be maintained. 

Permit Application and Outdoor Commercial Usage Conditions Guidance:

Go to Public Works Permits, and then find documents under "Outdoor Retail, Services and Dining." 



EXPIRED: This temporary program expired on November 15, 2023. If you wish to continue outdoor business activity in your privately-owned parking lot, you should apply for a Use Permit (for outdoor activity on private property) or a Parklet License (for outdoor activity in the public right of way). The City is allowing a grace period during which you may continue operating while you pursue these permits. Enforcement is prioritized based on complaints and severity of the issues that may arise. 

Expired Program:

All businesses in commercial districts in Alameda are allowed to use their privately-owned outdoor (un-enclosed open air) space and parking lots for outdoor dining, retail, and commercial uses. The use of the space must meet the conditions in the amended citywide Use Permit(PDF, 252KB). No additional plans, permits or insurance documents are required.

This use is allowed per Use Permit #PLN20-0215 which was approved by the Planning Board on June 22, 2020, and amended on October 26, 2020(PDF, 363KB), June 14, 2021(PDF, 252KB), and November 15, 2021. The permit will expire on November 15, 2023. 

The City Council first approved the Commercial Streets program at their May 19, 2020 meeting with the strong support of Alameda’s major business associations. The program streamlined the permit approval process for expanding dining and retail into new parklets (using parking spaces) and the sidewalks. It also included repurposing the roadway along core parts of Park and Webster Streets to greatly increase the area available for outdoor dining, retail and services. City staff worked closely with the Downtown Area Business Association (DABA) and the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) to develop this new program, which supported the health of our businesses and the community through the COVID 19 pandemic.

Per Council direction given in October 2020 and March 2021, the program was approved through October 31, 2021. As of June 2021, the City had issued over 30 parklet permits and 6 sidewalk seating permits.

After an extensive evaluation, on November 2, 2021, the City Council approved staff's recommendation to extend the program for two years, through November 2023.

On July 5, 2023, the City Council approved updated Park/Webster striping to bring parking back to the curb. These striping changes were made in Spring 2024.

On November 7, 2023, the City Council recommended extending the parklet program, and approved parklet fees and the purchase of the concrete parklet barriers.


In June and July 2021, City staff conducted a thorough evaluation of the program, including public engagement, to help the Council determine if and how the program should continue beyond October 2021.

  • Community survey (1750+ responses)
  • Community events: Two virtual town halls and two in-person events were held.
  • Business input: WABA and DABA surveyed their businesses and held two virtual workshops

Staff recommendations were brought to the Transportation Commission's July 28 meeting, where they were unanimously supported by the Commission, and to the Planning Board on September 27, which overall supported the direction of the program.

The recommendations were then slightly revised, and considered and approved by the City Council on November 2, 2021