City Council in brief...

Following each City Council meeting, staff will post brief updates on agenda items. Click here to view City Council agendas, minutes, videos, and announcements.

July 2, 2024

Main Agenda Items

  1. Appointments to Alameda Boards and Commissions (requires 3 votes)

    • Approved 5-0

  2. City of Alameda Investment Policy with amendments including eliminating the restriction on the production or manufacturing of alcoholic beverages and restricting investments in oil and gas companies (requires 3 votes)

    • Approved 4-1 (TS)

  3. Resolution placing an infrastructure bond on the November ballot for voter consideration (requires 4 votes)

    • Not Approved 3-2 (TS, TD)

  4. Withdrawn and will be heard at the next meeting, see below

  5. Lease agreement for Building 25 to Alameda Soda, Alameda Point Beverage Group (requires 4 votes)

    • Approved 5-0

  6. Did not get to in time, will be heard at the next meeting, see below

Agenda Items Moving to the Next Meeting

  • Consider amending the City Charter to eliminate the supermajority vote requirement for leases longer than one year and the sale of real property

  • Ordinance declaring six submerged parcels surplus property and authorize the City Manager to execute purchase and sale agreements

Consent Calendar

  • 5D, agreement for full business license tax administration, was pulled and heard at the end of the meeting

    • Approved 5-0

  • Balance of the Consent Calendar

    • Approved 5-0

City Manager Updates

  • The Oakland Alameda Water Shuttle will officially launch on July 17th at 7am

  • We are getting ready to announce the details of a new Alameda Point shuttle called the Island Hopper, a pilot service that will run for 10 weeks on weekends from July 27-September 29

  • City staff is working hard preparing for the 4th of July Parade this Thursday -- check the City’s website for more information including the Parade line-up

  • Hydrate and keep cool in the shade or public places with air conditioning like the Alameda Library. Library hours are on the website and in addition, the Main Library will serve as a Cooling Center on the 4th of July from 12-6pm. The library and café will be closed at that time, but the café area in the back will be open with clean and cool air.

  • Now that the restriping on Park and Webster Street is complete, you’ll see an increased traffic enforcement presence. We are ticketing people who are double parked and parked in bike lanes. There are new 15-minute parking spots for delivery drivers, and parking is always available at the Civic Center Garage.
