Transportation Commission

To advise the City Council on City transportation policies and monitor implementation of approved plans as stated in the Transportation Commission bylaws(PDF, 41KB).

Residents of Alameda are invited to submit applications online or you can download here(PDF, 311KB) and file with the City Clerk’s office via hand delivery or mail (2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 380, Alameda, CA 94501), via email ( or via fax (510-865-4048).
Applications are valid for one year. Applicants are considered for any vacancies which occur during the year their application is valid. If you remain interested in serving and are not appointed within a year of submitting your application, please submit a new, updated application.
Additional information on the application and appointment process is available here. 
Members First Appointment     Current Term Expires   
 Scott Weitze, Chair  7/1/2019  6/30/2027
 Saravana Suthanthira, Vice Chair  7/6/2022  6/30/2026
 Alysha Nachtigall  7/24/2018  6/30/2026
 Geoffrey Johnson
 Drew Dara-Abrams  7/18/2023
 Jason Kim  5/21/2024  6/30/2026
 Jamie Gloyne  7/16/2024  6/30/2028

The general schedule is the fourth Wednesday every other month on the odd numbered months at 6:30 p.m., but there are exceptions due to holidays, etc. Find the upcoming meeting dates.

Click here to view all City meeting agendas, minutes, and videos.

To forward information to Commissioners, please contact the Transportation Commission secretary at or 510-747-6833. Sign up for the Transportation Commission mailing list, or any of the transportation-related mailing lists, at