Applications, Appointments and Vacancies Thank you for your interest in serving on a Board or Commission. Members are non-paid volunteers and must be Alameda residents. The information below outlines the Board and Commission application and appointment process, and also lists any Board and Commission vacancies.
Civil Service To establish and review Civil Service system policies and make recommendations to the City Council.
Commission on Persons With Disabilities The Commission on Persons With Disabilities advises the Mayor, City Council, department directors, and other boards and commissions on issues pertaining to the disability community in the City of Alameda.
Historical Advisory Board To promote the educational, cultural, and economic welfare of the City by preserving and protecting historical resources that serve as visible reminders of the history and heritage of Alameda.
Library Board To act as stewards for the Alameda Free Library and advise the City Council on matters pertaining to the library.
Open Government Commission The Commission's role is to advise the City Council on appropriate ways in which to implement the Sunshine Ordinance. The Commission shall develop goals to ensure practical and timely implementation of the ordinance and propose amendments to the ordinance.
Pension Board To administer the Fire and Police 1079 and 1083 Pension Plans (note, these are closed plans)
Planning Board To investigate and recommend plans for the future development, improvement and beautification of the city.
Public Art Commission The Public Art Commission (PAC) was created to enrich quality of life through the provision of public art.
Public Utilities Board Alamedans have a voice in the policies and operation of Alameda Municipal Power through the City’s Public Utilities Board. Alamedans and other interested parties are encouraged to attend meetings of the Board.
Recreation and Park Commission To provide advice, coordination and guidance on parks and recreational facilities
Social Service Human Relations Board To assess and report to the City Council the social service needs of the people of Alameda and to encourage the formation of private social welfare organizations to serve unmet needs. The SSHRB was established in the City Charter.
Transportation Commission To advise the City Council on City transportation policies and monitor implementation of approved plans.