City Departments


19 Result(s) Found

City Clerk

The Clerk's Office is responsible for the timely presentation of formal communications to the City Council.

Planning • Building • Transportation

  • Telephone510-747-6800

Assisting the community plan, implement and manage changes to the physical and natural environment consistent with local, regional, state, and federal policies and regulations.

Information Technology (IT)

IT oversees the technology infrastructure and daily needs of the City and collaborates with regional partners to advance technology-related issues.


Finance manages financial planning and accounting including financial reporting, payroll services, purchasing, accounts payable, and business licenses.

Alameda Point

  • Telephone(510) 747-6890

The Base Reuse - Alameda Point Division manages the redevelopment of the former Naval Air Station.

City Manager's Office

The City Manager’s Office provides policy support to the City Council, leadership to City departments, and fosters community partnerships.

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