We are aware of the eroded areas along the north shore of Bay Farm Island adjacent to the San Leandro Channel. For the immediate future, the Public Works Department is pursuing an amendment to the Original BCDC permit that installed the path. This permit amendment is anticipated to allow installation of temporary measures (gabion rock walls) to protect these areas against further damage while a permanent, nature-based solution is pursued.
The Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee (OAAC) has been working on permanent, nature-based solutions to protect Bay Farm Island against sea level rise and shoreline erosion. The concepts for Bay Farm Island Adaptation Project will come before City Council for endorsement on 1/21/2025. The Planning Department is actively seeking grant funding to finance the BFI Adaptation Project through 100% design, permitting, and construction.
More information for the work OAAC is doing on Bay Farm Island can be found here:
198 Packet Landing Road, Alameda 94502 View Map
198 Packet Landing Road , Alameda 94502
Public Works Department