Cross Alameda Trail: Main Street to Constitution Way


As of 2020, the project is complete except for some remaining work to be done to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian crossing at the five traffic signals along the corridor: Wilma Chan Way, Webster, Poggi, Third and Main. This work is expected to be completed by summer 2024.

The Cross Alameda Trail (CAT) segment between Main Street and Constitution Way is part of the City's planned 4 mile cross-town, low-stress bicycling and walking corridor that will connect the west side of the island to the east, from the Seaplane Lagoon at Alameda Point to the Miller-Sweeney (Fruitvale) Bridge. Read more about the full Cross Alameda Trail here.

This 0.9 mile segment was constructed as one project, but includes two distinct sections: (1) Main Street to Webster Street along Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (RAMP) in an abandoned railroad right-of-way; and (2) a short block between Webster Street and Constitution Way along Atlantic Avenue, which connects the RAMP segment to the Jean Sweeney segment. 

1) Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (Main Street to Webster Street) Segment

Constructed separate walking and bicycling paths plus a decomposed granite jogging path, in the City-owned abandoned railroad right-of-way. This approximately 70-foot wide right-of-way sits immediately to the south of RAMP, adjacent to apartment complexes, schools, several businesses and a Boys and Girls Club. This segment has the following additional features:

  • Connector trails to two intersecting streets: Fifth Street and West Campus Drive;
  • Pedestrian, bicycle and ADA improvements as well as signage at the intersecting streets;
  • Plazas at either end - Main Street and Webster Street – with hardscape and landscape features; 
  • Landscaping with trees and shrubs; and
  • Traffic signal modifications at 5th Street.

2) Atlantic Avenue (Webster Street to Constitution Way) Segment

Constructed separated two-way bicycle lanes on the south side of this short urban block, at street-grade. This section included significant  improvements to the two intersections, which are among the busiest in the City, to facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle crossings. The project included signal modifications, plus the installation of a new mid-block crossing with a flashing beacon.

Construction plans can be viewed here:

CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 1 of 6(PDF, 13MB)  CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 2 of 6(PDF, 12MB)  CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 3 of 6(PDF, 14MB) 
CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 4 of 6(PDF, 14MB)  CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 5 of 6(PDF, 13MB)  CAT/RAMP+GAP Plans 6 of 6(PDF, 13MB) 


  • City Council approved the General Plan - Recreation and Parks Element policy directing staff to "Develop a continuous greenway, east of Main Street...The greenway should include a tree belt and paths for walking, running and biking."


  • July: City Council approved the Cross Alameda Trail Feasibility Study(PDF, 4MB) .
  • September: Association of Bay Area Governments includes the project as a proposed trail segment in the San Francisco Bay Trail Project Gap Analysis Study.


  • January: City Council approved the Transportation Element of the General Plan policy that directs staff to "Pursue opportunities to utilize the corridor of the former Alameda Belt Line railroad for transit, bicycle and pedestrian transportation."
  • January: City prioritized the project as a medium-priority project in the City's Pedestrian Plan(PDF, 5MB) .



  • October: Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) included the project in the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans as part of the Bicycle Vision Network and the Pedestrian Vision System.

2013 (CAT RAMP only)

  • March: City staff submitted a Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF)/Measure B Bike/Pedestrian grant to the Alameda CTC to fund the section between Webster Street and Poggi Street.
  • May 7: City Council authorized the submittal of the grant application and $198,000 in Citywide Developer Fees as the local match.
  • June: Alameda CTC selected the project for VRF/Measure B funding totaling $793,000.

2014 (CAT RAMP only)

  • February: Finalized funding agreement between Alameda CTC and the City of Alameda. 
  • May 20: City Council approved Federal Transit Administration monies totaling $787,440 and Transportation Development Act monies totaling $19,560 for the section between Main Street and Poggi Street and for the bicycle lockers at Webster Street.
  • July/August: Focus group meetings and community meeting #1.
  • September 24: Transportation Commission approval of the project concept.
  • October 9: Recreation and Parks Commission approval of the project concept.
  • City and Bay Area Air Quality Management District finalize a grant agreement for $30,000 towards bicycle lockers.
  • Fall/Winter: Preliminary project design.

2015 (CAT RAMP only)

  • February 10: Community meeting #2.
  • February 25: Transportation Commission/Planning Board approval of preliminary design.


  • Develop and submit soil remediation plan for CAT RAMP.
  • Refine project design.
  • Develop concept designs for CAT Atlantic Gap.


  • January-June: Receive approval for soil remediation plan for CAT RAMP
  • January-December: Finalize all easements and encroachments for CAT RAMP
  • March 22: Transportation Commission approval of CAT Atlantic Gap project design concept
  • April 18: City Council approval of CAT Atlantic Gap project design concept, with midblock crossing
  • Fall/Winter: Begin to combine CAT RAMP project with CAT Atlantic Gap project


  • January-June: Develop 95% and 100% Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E)
  • July: Complete PS&E
  • August: Release bid for construction of CAT RAMP and CAT Atlantic Gap
  • November: Award contract for construction of CAT RAMP and CAT Atlantic Gap


  • February 11: Construction began on this long-awaited 0.9 mile segment of the Cross Alameda Trail. Press release
  • Feb - December: Construction



  • Traffic signal upgrades designed for the five signalized intersections (Constitution, Webster, Poggi, Third and Main) along the corridor


  • Traffic signal upgrades completed at the five signalized intersections (Constitution, Webster, Poggi, Third and Main)

Transportation Commission Meeting on CAT Atlantic Gap

  • When: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda
  • What: Approve CAT Atlantic Gap design concept

- Link to Transportation Commission Agenda Item with Staff Report and Exhibits

Staff Report(PDF, 168KB)

Presentation(PDF, 648KB)

All Meetings below were for the Cross Alameda Trail Segment along Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway, from Main Street to Webster Street:

Joint Transportation Commission / Planning Board Meeting

  • When: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda
  • What:

Staff Report(PDF, 513KB)

Presentation(PDF, 7MB)

Transportation Commission Meeting

  • When: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda
  • What:

Staff Report(PDF, 119KB)

Exhibit 1: Photos(PDF, 239KB)

Exhibit 2: Comment Summary(PDF, 65KB)

Presentation(PDF, 3MB)

Community Meeting

  • When: Monday, July 28, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Where: City Hall West (located in Alameda Point), 950 West Mall Square, Conference Room 201
  • What:

Press Release(PDF, 201KB)

Draft Proposed Project Concept(PDF, 116KB)

Presentation(PDF, 2MB)

Comment Summary(PDF, 65KB) 


Long-sought Cross Alameda Trail underway

by Michele Ellson on July 29, 2014
The Alamedan(PDF, 168KB)
Officials aim to begin work on 'Cross Alameda Trail' across Island
by Peter Hegarty on March 21, 2013

The City of Alameda received federal funding to support the construction of the Cross Alameda Trail Project (Main Street to Poggi St section only). Because this work is federally funded, we are required to come into compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities that receive federal funding.

In compliance with Title VI, the Federal Transit Administration, and applicable federal and state laws and regulations, the City of Alameda is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of services or programs on the basis of race, color, or national origin. The Title VI Program documents that services and benefits are provided on a nondiscriminatory basis.

To request additional information about the City's non-discrimination obligations or to file a complaint, please contact the City’s Title VI program:

City of Alameda

Attn: Transportation Planning Division

2263 Santa Clara Ave, Room 190

Alameda, CA 94501

(510) 747-6819

Title VI Notices and Forms:
City of Alameda Title VI Notice: In English(PDF, 32KB) | En Español(PDF, 19KB) | 在中文(PDF, 160KB)
City of Alameda Title VI Complaint Form: In English(PDF, 31KB) | En Español(PDF, 56KB) | 在中文(PDF, 67KB)