The Cross Alameda Trail (CAT) segment between Main Street and Constitution Way is part of the City's planned 4 mile cross-town, low-stress bicycling and walking corridor that will connect the west side of the island to the east, from the Seaplane Lagoon at Alameda Point to the Miller-Sweeney (Fruitvale) Bridge. Read more about the full Cross Alameda Trail here.
This 0.9 mile segment was constructed as one project, but includes two distinct sections: (1) Main Street to Webster Street along Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (RAMP) in an abandoned railroad right-of-way; and (2) a short block between Webster Street and Constitution Way along Atlantic Avenue, which connects the RAMP segment to the Jean Sweeney segment.
1) Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (Main Street to Webster Street) Segment
Constructed separate walking and bicycling paths plus a decomposed granite jogging path, in the City-owned abandoned railroad right-of-way. This approximately 70-foot wide right-of-way sits immediately to the south of RAMP, adjacent to apartment complexes, schools, several businesses and a Boys and Girls Club. This segment has the following additional features:
- Connector trails to two intersecting streets: Fifth Street and West Campus Drive;
- Pedestrian, bicycle and ADA improvements as well as signage at the intersecting streets;
- Plazas at either end - Main Street and Webster Street – with hardscape and landscape features;
- Landscaping with trees and shrubs; and
- Traffic signal modifications at 5th Street.
2) Atlantic Avenue (Webster Street to Constitution Way) Segment
Constructed separated two-way bicycle lanes on the south side of this short urban block, at street-grade. This section included significant improvements to the two intersections, which are among the busiest in the City, to facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle crossings. The project included signal modifications, plus the installation of a new mid-block crossing with a flashing beacon.
Construction plans can be viewed here: