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Open Forum / Web Surveys (Closed Topics)
Read what other community members have said about the Central Avenue Concept Proposal in several web surveys. Staff reviewed the responses and incorporated them into the decision process.
Project Flyer - English - Spanish - Chinese
- When: April 14, 2015
- Where: Encinal High School Cafeteria
Press Release(PDF, 143KB)
Letter Notification(PDF, 722KB) (sent to 300 foot radius around the study area)
Presentation(PDF, 8MB)
Comments(PDF, 57KB) (as of April 20, 2015)
- When: June 4, 2015
- Where: Encinal High School Cafeteria
Press Release(PDF, 267KB) (sent to 300 foot radius around the study area)
Letter Notification(PDF, 113KB)
Presentation(PDF, 6MB)
Preferred Options Hand-out(PDF, 3MB)
Facilitator Guide(PDF, 23KB)
Comment Card(PDF, 192KB)
Comments(PDF, 1MB)
- When: September 17, 2015
- Where: Encinal High School Cafeteria
Press Release(PDF, 340KB)
Letter Notification(PDF, 733KB) (sent to 300 foot radius around the study area)
Presentation(PDF, 7MB)
Toolkit Hand-Out(PDF, 1MB)
Intersections-Preliminary Recommendation(PDF, 4MB)
Table Handouts(PDF, 4MB)
Facilitator Guide(PDF, 23KB)
Comment Card(PDF, 313KB)
Comments(PDF, 754KB) (as of October 12, 2015)
- Transportation Commission
- When: November 18, 2015
- Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers
Staff Report(PDF, 833KB)
Comments(PDF, 2MB)
Existing Conditions Memo(PDF, 2MB)
Concept Memo(PDF, 109KB)
Presentation- Part 1(PDF, 7MB)
Presentation- Part 2(PDF, 8MB)
- City Council - Special Meeting to request concept approval
- When: February 24, 2016 and February 29, 2016
- What:
Staff Report(PDF, 7MB)
Comments(PDF, 2MB)
Existing Conditions Memo (same as above)
Concept Memo (same as above)
Concept Drawings - Pacific Avenue/Main Street to Encinal High School(PDF, 7MB)
Concept Drawings - Paden School to Webster Street(PDF, 7MB)
Concept Drawings - Webster Street to Eighth Street(PDF, 4MB)
Concept Drawings - Eighth Street to Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue(PDF, 5MB)
Cost Estimates(PDF, 42KB)
Presentation - Part 1(PDF, 6MB)
Presentation - Part 2(PDF, 5MB)
Video Summary and Video Links - February 24, 2016 and February 29, 2016
Staff Report
- City Council Meeting to Approve Central Avenue as a Grant Submittal
- When: October 18, 2016
- What: link to staff report
- City Council Meeting to Approve the Consultants for the Caltrans Required Project Initiation Document
- When: April 17, 2018
- What: link to staff report
- When: December 5, 2018
- Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers
- Why: Request community input to refine preliminary alternatives for further consideration and analysis in 2019 for the Webster Street Area and the San Francisco Bay Trail Area
Presentation(PDF, 5MB)
Roll Plots of Preliminary Alternatives and Concepts:
- Section 1(PDF, 5MB) (Main Street/Pacific Avenue to Fourth Street)
- Section 2(PDF, 6MB) (Fourth Street to Sixth Street)
- Section 3(PDF, 11MB) (Sixth Street to Eighth Street)
- Section 3 zoomed in(PDF, 897KB) part between Webster Street and Page Street
- Section 4(PDF, 5MB) (Eighth Street to Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue)
- Transportation Commission
- When: January 23, 2019
- Why: Request Transportation Commission to approve the Webster Street options to analyze in 2019 and to extend the two-way bikeway along the SF Bay Trail between Paden School and McKay Avenue.
- What: link to staff report
- When: March 19, 2019
- Why: Request City Council approval of the draft options for the Webster Street area to analyze in 2019 and request approval to extend the two-way bikeway along the SF Bay Trail between Paden School and McKay Avenue.
- What: link to staff report
- When: November 5, 2019
- Where: City Hall, City Council Chambers (2263 Santa Clara Avenue)
- Why: City Council approval of a consultant contract amendment for the project approval and environmental phase (PA&ED) and the final design - plans, specifications and estimate phase (PS&E)
- What: link to staff report
- When: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
- Where: Zoom
- Why: City Council approval of Caltrans Cooperative Agreement for the project approval and environmental phase (PA&ED) and the final design - plans, specifications and estimate phase (PS&E)
- What: link to staff report
- When: October 5 to 20, 2020
- Where: Please click here.
- Why: An opportunity for community member review of the Central Avenue design before Transportation Commission and City Council approval, and also includes the Caltrans' Encinal Avenue Pavement Preservation Project
- Transportation Commission
- When: November 18, 2020
- Where: Zoom
- Why: The Transportation Commission recommended City Council approval of the final concept including the Webster Street area and roundabouts.
- What: link to staff report
- When: February and March, 2021
- Where: Please click here
- Why: An opportunity for community member review of the Central Avenue design before City Council request for approval, and also includes the Caltrans' Encinal Avenue Pavement Preservation Project.
- When: April 20, 2021
- Where: Zoom
- Why: City staff/consultant team recommended approval of the final concept including the Webster Street area and roundabouts. The City Council approved the final concept including the four roundabouts with the Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue roundabout as a slip lane and not a cul-de-sac. The City staff/consultant team are working to complete the environmental clearance this year and the design next year with construction expected to begin in late 2022. Please note that only two of the four roundabouts are funded, and City staff is seeking more monies for the Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd./Central Avenue and Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue/Central Avenue roundabouts.
- What: link to staff report