Climate Action and Resiliency Plan (CARP)

2024-25 Plan Update

We are conducting a mid-cycle update of CARP. The update will include a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and serve as a mid-cycle update and blueprint for the next phase of the City's climate work from 2025-2030 with a focus on implementation steps needed to address the remaining tasks before 2030 and achieve net zero emissions. See more about the CARP update below.

About CARP

Through adoption of its award-winning Climate Action and Resiliency Plan in 2019, Alameda has set an ambitious goal of reducing emissions by 50% below 2005 levels by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral as soon as possible. The CARP charts a course to achieve this goal through equitable improvements to transportation, buildings, energy use, and waste management. As a low-lying island city threatened by rising seas and increasing extreme heat and smoke days, we need to act boldly to keep Alameda safe for current and future generations. If we are successful, we will reduce Alameda's greenhouse gas emissions, increase quality of life on the island, and build a resilient, thriving city. 

The City of Alameda is currently in the process of updating CARP. Stay tuned for updates and community workshops by subscribing to our Environment, Sustainability and Climate Action mailing list.


2022 Greenhouse Gas Inventory(PDF, 519KB)


April - May 2024 Community Survey - Results(PDF, 439KB)

April 2024 Housing, Youth, Business & Community Organizations Stakeholder Meetings #1

June 25, 2024 Community Workshop #1 - Presentation(PDF, 8MB)

August 2024 Housing, Youth, Business & Community Organizations Stakeholder Meetings #2

October 15, 2024 - City Council Workshop

Nov/Dec 2025 - Community Workshop #2

February 2025 - Boards and Commissions

March 2025 - City Council adoption

To guide CARP implementation, Annual Reports are presented to City Council and Boards and Commissions to share progress in the previous year and set priorities for the coming year. CARP Annual Reports also serve as the annual report for the Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Plan.

2023 CARP Annual Report(PDF, 4MB)

2022 CARP Annual Report(PDF, 4MB)

2021 CARP Annual Report(PDF, 2MB)

2020 CARP Annual Report(PDF, 1MB) and Appendix(PDF, 577KB)

It will take everyone working together to respond to the challenge of climate change and promote a healthier and more sustainable Alameda.  Check out a video of Alameda high school students explaining why climate action is important to them.

As a resident, there is a lot you can do now!

How Alamedans Can Help Fight Climate Change v3.png(PDF, 440KB)

Middle and high school youth can use their community service hours to support the climate. Learn how!

Use Your Community Service for the Climate.png

Wondering what a Climate Action Plan is anyway?  Read our Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 257KB)

For a general overview and for a few sustainability tips, read our Climate Action and Resilience factsheet below:

English(PDF, 900KB)

Chinese(PDF, 994KB)

Spanish(PDF, 885KB)

Tagalog(PDF, 589KB)

Vietnamese(PDF, 491KB)

See our Glossary(PDF, 313KB) for definitions of key terms

Also check out a video explanation of the Climate Action Plan produced by Alameda high school students

Learn more about CARP implementation projects and plans here.