Building Pre-Application = Plan Review Required and Construction Drawings Required
All other permits will need to apply for a Building Pre-Application. If your permit does not qualify for an Express Building Permit, then you will be required to file a Building Pre-application. Registered users can apply for a Building Pre-application to begin the application process for permits that require plan review and construction drawings, as well as Fire Permits, Certificate of Occupancies, and non-residential electric vehicle chargers. Please note that each building will need a separate building permit. We also recommend checking with the Planning Division if a Planning application is required for your project prior to submittal of building permits.
You will also be required to upload documents and plans for the application according to the submittal guidelines described in the document upload page. The plan set and each supporting document should be its own PDF file (Plans is one PDF, Structural Calcs is its own PDF, all photos should be combined into one PDF file, brochures combined into one PDF file).
Once you have completed the pre-application process, you will receive a PRE# application number. A Permit Technician will review the Pre-App for completeness to make sure your application contains the materials necessary for review. Once deemed complete, the Permit Tech will then create the actual building permit and add the required fees which you will then be instructed to pay online.
Please note that a filing fee will be collected up front for processing the Building Permit Pre-Application. You will later receive a notification to pay the remaining balance of the Building permit fees when the formal building permit is created. The balance due will need to be paid before plan check review can begin.
Apply for a building permit by accessing the Accela Citizen Access Portal at
You will need to register for an account and create a login in order to apply for a permit.
Contractors will need to have a current City of Alameda Business License. You can apply or renew online at the Finance Department Business License.
To begin, please review How to Register For An Account(PDF, 972KB) and How to Apply for a Building Pre-Application(PDF, 573KB).