It takes hard work, determination, and courage to become an Alameda Firefighter / Paramedic. Firefighter / Paramedics perform duties to prevent or limit loss of life and property in emergency situations, maintain related equipment and records; and perform related work as required, including:
Minimum Qualifications for Entry-level Recruits
Physical and Mental Health - Must meet standards required to perform duties of this position. Typically this includes: demonstrating a state of physical and mental health consistent with the ability to perform assigned duties; normal hearing or hearing corrected to normal levels; normal vision or vision corrected to 20/20 in each eye; color vision sufficient to identify color coded lights, placards, signs, maps, hydrant caps, sprinklers, etc. plus smoke and flame colors used in identifying combustibles, their location and potential; and participation in a wellness/fitness program.
The probationary period for this position is 18 months (including 18-20 week academy).
Public Works Department