The Homeless Warming Shelter at Christ Church has a capacity of 25 guests who are provided a warm place to sleep, shower, and have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Fresh socks, underwear, and other amenities are available as needed. Well behaved pets are welcome. Local service providers are available to assist guest to secure more sustainable housing and employment if possible.
Donations Needed!
FUNDING: Click here to donate to the Warming Shelter. Select "Give to Homeless Ministries." Christ Church needs to raise $20,000 to allow them to continue to provide this critical service.
MEALS: Click here to sign up to provide either dinner or breakfast to 25 shelter guests.
VOLUNTEER: Click here to sign up for a 4-hour shift to volunteer at the shelter.
SUPPLIES: Click here for a list of the frequently used supplies the Warming Shelter needs, including socks, shirts, sweatpants, and toiletries. Donations can be sent to Christ Episcopal Church c/o Shower Program, 1700 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501. Alameda Homeless Hotline
If you are currently homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, call the Alameda Homeless Hotline at 510-522-HOME (4663) Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. For evenings or weekends, call 2-1-1 to access resources county-wide.
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