The City recently sent a mailer to Alameda voters seeking feedback from residents about your priorities for the City. You can either complete the survey and return it by mail or complete the survey online
Dear City of Alameda Resident:
Your input is needed! The City of Alameda is committed to providing public services and facilities that contribute to maintaining your high quality of life. Every day, our City employees work hard to support community safety, preserve the quality of our neighborhood parks, libraries, and roads, and prioritize emergency preparedness for natural disasters like rising sea and ground water levels and flooding.
We want to hear from you before important decisions are made.
Here’s our challenge: The City of Alameda has been careful with its maintenance dollars, but our General Fund budget for maintenance is nowhere near enough to address the critical needs of Alameda—from pothole repair to protecting our shoreline. The preservation of our community requires significant investment in infrastructure.
Our City leaders are actively exploring solutions to address our infrastructure needs with community input. One option being considered is to propose an infrastructure bond measure to help spur investment in our City’s most critical needs.
No decisions have been made but we’d like your input. Please join the conversation. You can complete our survey via the tear-off response card attached in the mailer, respond online by visiting, or email us with your input at
Please respond—we value your feedback. We are listening! Thank you.
Public Works Department