Programs and Services Addressing Homelessness

Volunteers distribute food at the Alameda Point Collaborative

The City of Alameda, the County of Alameda, and community partners are committed to addressing homelessness in our island city. The City coordinates service providers that offer outreach and programs to support homeless individuals and families in Alameda. 

The City of Alameda, in partnership with local non-profit agencies and community and faith-based organizations, provides a range of services to our unhoused community. 

The programs are under the supervision of the City’s CARES Team (Collaboration Advancing Research, Efforts, and Supports for Alameda’s Homeless), an interdepartmental and interagency consortium working to address the issue of homelessness in Alameda.  

The best way to connect with any of the services or programs listed below is to call the Alameda Homeless Hotline at 510-522-HOME (4663) Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. For evenings or weekends, call 2-1-1 to access resources county-wide. 

Alameda Day Center Services

Connects clients to housing, health, mental health, substance use, and social services and supports. Offers classes, meals, well checks, showers, and enrichment activities. A safe and welcoming place for clients to relax and participate in programs. Open Monday-Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please click here(PDF, 478KB) to download more information.

Safe Parking Program

Provides a safe and welcoming space for people living in cars or vans to park at night. Bathrooms/washing facilities available. Outreach workers and housing navigators available to connect clients to services. Open Monday-Sunday, 7 p.m.- 7 a.m. Please click here(PDF, 478KB) to download more information.

Alameda Housing Resource Center

Drop ins: Every Monday at 2500 Barbers Point Road, Alameda, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Winter Warming Services

Provides a additional shelter beds during cold and rainy nights during the winter season.  

Dine and Connect

Meal program provided at four church sites every Monday from 4-5 pm. Onsite outreach provided by Building Futures and The Village of Love to connect unhoused guests to health, housing, social services, and resources. Click here(PDF, 260KB) to download more information. 

  • First Monday of each month at Twin Towers United Methodist Church, 2259 Central Avenue
  • Second Monday of each month at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1323 Central Avenue
  • Third Monday of each month at First Congregational Church, 1912 Central Avenue
  • Occasional 4th Mondays at First Presbyterian Church, 2001 Santa Clara Avenue (at Chestnut)
  • Last Monday of each month at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1910 Santa Clara Avenue (enter from parking lot on Chesnut).  Note: The Alameda County Mobile Health van is available at Immanuel Lutheran Church the last Monday of each month.

Mobile Health

Provides urgent care, care coordination, and linkages and referral to community resources for Alameda’s unhoused. The Clinic is available at the Dine and Connect meal service at Immanuel Lutheran Church on the last Monday of every month from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., and now offers COVID vaccinations and dental care.  Click here for more information. 

Shower Program Onsite

Provides weekly shower services run by community volunteers offered onsite at Christ Episcopal Church (1700 Santa Clara Avenue) on Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. Please make a reservation for your shower. For more information and to sign up, call: (510) 522-HOME.  Click here to download more information.

Mobile Shower and Laundry Services

Provides weekly access to mobile showers, washers and dryers across from The Village of Love's (431 Stardust Place) parking lot every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Services are a collaboration between WeHOPE’s Dignity on Wheels program and The Village of Love. 

Street Health

Seeks to address the health disparities experienced by homeless residents of Alameda County. Provides access to care from multi-disciplinary teams through regularly scheduled outreach services offered to unsheltered people to build relationships that lead to long-term health through connections to primary care, social services, housing, mental health, dental care, and other resources.  Click here for more information.   

Mobile Outreach

Establishes supportive relationships with homeless individuals through visits by the Homeless Outreach Team and offers services to end homelessness. Services are delivered at sites and spaces where people experiencing homelessness are located, including encampments, parking lots, bridge underpass, tunnel entrances, parks, sidewalks, FEMA trailer site, etc.

Intensive Case Management

A comprehensive, collaborative, and person-centered approach to support Alameda's most chronically homeless individuals with complex and co-occurring medical and psychosocial needs.

De-Escalation Training

De-escalation trainings focused on communication and safety for local businesses, staff, providers, and the community. 


Are you or someone you know currently homeless, at risk of becoming homeless?
Call the Alameda Homeless Hotline at 510-522-HOME (4663) Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
For evenings or weekends, call 2-1-1 to access resources county-wide.

 Staff at these numbers have the most in-depth knowledge of available resources, shelter locations, and available housing applications.

 Are you experiencing domestic violence or need help?

Contact Building Futures at 866-A-WAY-OUT


Other organizations serving the Alameda community include:
Alameda Food Bank – Phone: (510) 523-5850
Mastick Senior Center – Phone: (510) 747-7500 
Alameda Unified School District – McKinney Vento Coordinator – Phone: (510) 337-7102 
Alameda Rent Program – Phone: (510) 747-7520 or Email:

On April 8, 2021, the City presented "Unsheltered in Alameda: Learn More + How to Help." This 90-minute Zoom presentation and panel discussion offered information about the causes and challenges related to homelessness in Alameda, current services and programs offered by the City, and ways the Alameda community can get involved. 


Please click here to learn about ways that community members can help our unhoused neighbors.