Request for Proposals for a Residential Rehabilitation Program Admin

Statement of Purpose

The City of Alameda (City) administers various residential rehabilitation programs including the Rental Rehabilitation Program, Housing Rehabilitation Program, Minor Home Repair Program, Substantial Rehabilitation Program, and Soft Story Structural Assessment Grant. The City invites qualified nonprofits to submit proposals to administer residential rehabilitation programs for a one-year contract with the possibility of up to four additional renewals of one-year year each. The City intends to award a service provider agreement to the consultant team selected (Consultant Team) substantially in form to the one shown in Exhibit A to the respondent deemed most qualified, based on the evaluation criteria contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Proposers shall read the information contained in this RFP to understand how to submit the proposal, what documents must accompany the proposal and what legal obligations apply when the Proposer submits a proposal. Any Proposer that wishes to be considered for this work must submit the information requested in this RFP and if invited, participate in an evaluation interview panel.


The City’s residential rehabilitation programs are funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and are therefore required to adhere to all U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Following is a brief description of the residential rehabilitation programs that are currently offered by the City and which may be administered by the consultant team selected.  

  • Housing Rehabilitation Program
  • Housing Safety Program
  • Minor Home Repair Program
  • Rental Rehabilitation Program
  • Substantial Rehabilitation Program

Program Development 

While the City anticipates that it will continue to offer the programs that are described above, the Consultant Team will be asked to advise on the following as well:

  • Evaluate existing program offerings as well as new ones tied to code compliance, accessory dwelling units and/or climate resiliency (e.g., flood mitigation, electrification, etc.)
  • Make recommendations for changes to existing programs and propose new program offerings
  • Develop process for prioritizing applications when there are more applications than funds available
  • Revise program guidelines and forms, as needed


RFP Schedule

RFP Issued

Tuesday, July 9

Deadline for RFP Questions

Monday, July 22 at 9:00 a.m.

RFP Q&A Posted

Monday, July 22 at 5:00 p.m.

Proposals Due

Thursday, July 25 at 12:00 p.m.

RFP Interviews

Wednesday, July 31

Selection of Firm

 Thursday, August 22

Recommendation to City Council

Wednesday, September 3


Submittal Instructions

Please submit your proposal electronically to Andre Fairley at no later than 12:00 p.m. PST on Thursday, July 25

The proposal should be submitted via email as a single .pdf file. The email should include the following subject line: (Name of Organization) Response to RFP: City of Alameda Residential Rehabilitation Program Administrator.

City staff recommends that you send a separate email without attachments to confirm delivery.  Receipt will be confirmed during regular business hours. Late proposals will not be accepted.  

Scope of Work, Fee Proposal, and Schedule

Scope of work: The City looks to the Consultant Team to present a high-quality scope of work and cost-effective fee proposal for the period of one year from the effective date of the contract as a part of their submittal. The fee proposal should not exceed $75,000 per year. (See submittal requirements below.)

Submittal Requirements

The Proposer shall include in its proposal the information outlined below in a manner which demonstrates the Proposer's competence and qualifications for the satisfactory performance of the services identified in this RFP. 

The City is requesting that submitted proposals contain the following information in the ensuing order:

  1. Table of Contents:  A table of contents shall be provided that identifies the page numbers where to find the various sections included in the proposal.
  2. Letter of Interest:  A letter expressing the Consultant Team’s interest in being considered, introduces the Consultant Team members and outlines the proposed services. 
  3. Team Organization and Description:  Please describe the organizational structure of the consultant team that will be performing the Scope of Work. Define the relationship between administrative support and project management staff. Please also include the billing rates for the proposed project manager and all other applicable staff. A project manager must be designated and must be the principal contact for the City. If using subcontractors, provide a description of each of the individual firms that will be a part of the Consultant Team; their role on the Consultant Team and involvement in each task; how the Consultant Team will be organized; and who will be the lead member of the Consultant Team. Please indicate if any persons employed by your agency have been debarred by HUD or are otherwise prohibited from entering into contracts with any Federal agency. (5-page maximum).
  4. Program Manager & Key Staff Experience:  For key team members, please provide recent examples of experience with managing similar programs for other local government jurisdictions (city or county). For each, please include a detailed description of the jurisdiction, work performed, and types and number of projects completed on an annual basis. Please also provide the name, title, phone number and email address of at least one (1) reference for each jurisdiction who can attest to the quality and effectiveness of the Consultant Team’s work. For each project, give a brief statement of the firms and project team’s adherence to schedule and budget, the successfulness of the process and outcome. (5-page maximum).
  5. Organizational Viability: Provide most current unaudited financial statements and the last three years of audited financial statements, and any other information that establishes the financial capacity of the administrator/developer to undertake and complete the proposed project.
  6. Scope of Work, Fee Proposal, and Schedule. Please provide a detailed scope of work for a period of one year from the contract effective date, task-by-task fee proposal not to exceed $75,000 and task-by-task schedule. At a minimum, the proposal should address the administration tasks for the Residential Rehabilitation Program including:
    • Coordination with prospective applicants, contractors and City
    • Program marketing and responding to inquiries
    • Initial eligibility screening
    • Application processing
    • Preparing scope of work and budgets
    • Grant/loan documentation preparation
    • Construction management
    • Project close out and loan set up

    In addition, City staff anticipate a need for the following services:  review drafts and provide input on a public-facing document that would detail program guidelines; recommend new programs and/or modification to existing ones; and implement a process for reporting project progress from inquiry to close out.

    Please note that the City has prepared template documents for grant and loan documents and will provide them to the selected Consultant Team. City staff is responsible for reviewing draft grant and loan documents and coordinating execution of all required documents. 

    Consultant Teams are invited to propose provision of additional services and deliverables. If the Consultant Team would charge additional fees to any related party, please describe the cost and services provided for those fees. The overall fee proposal should not exceed $75,000.

  7. Comments/Questions on the City Standard Service Provider Agreement:  The City’s standard service provider agreement, which the Consultant Team will be required to sign, is attached for your consideration (see Exhibit A). If the Consultant Team has any questions/concerns related to the standard form contract, they must be submitted in writing with your response to this Request for Proposals.
  8. Acknowledgement of California Public Records Act:  Consultant Team to include a statement as follows: “Consultant understands that all documents submitted to the City in connection with the proposal are subject to the California Public Records Act and may be disclosed without notice to Consultant.”
  9. Acknowledgement of City Contract Requirements: Consultant must include a statement acknowledging that either: 1) Consultant requests modifications (please include a description of requested modifications) to the City’s Service Provider Agreement, which is included as Exhibit A; or 2) Consultant will meet the City’s standard contract requirements through execution of the Service Provider Agreement attached as Exhibit A(PDF, 332KB).

Selection Process

The selection team will review and rank the submitted proposals according to the following criteria:

  1. The Consultant Team’s past experience and demonstrated success working with cities, rental property owners, property managers, tenants and other third parties in similar programs, including experience working with diverse low-income communities. (25 percent)
  2. The quality and experience of the Program Manager and key staff persons who will be assigned to work with the City of Alameda’s Residential Rehabilitation Program. (15 percent)
  3. Strength and financial stability of the agency. Narrative summary of administrative program, including required and anticipated services; relevance of project approach to providing services. Capacity to provide professional services in a timely and quality manner. (35 percent)
  4. Clarity, comprehensiveness and organization that demonstrates strategic thinking, creative and innovative approaches, an understanding of best practices, and delivery of a services to specialized populations – low-income seniors and/or persons with disabilities. (15 percent)
  5. Cost effectiveness of services. Demonstrated ability to perform on schedule and within budget. (10 percent)

After review of the submitted proposals, the City may invite some or all proposers to present their qualifications and proposed approach or may decide to select one proposer without conducting interviews and enter into contract negotiations directly. Proposer interviews, if necessary, are anticipated to be conducted according to the schedule provided in Section II. Details of the interview process will be provided along with the invitation to present. The final selection will be based on the submitted proposals, interview and reference checks.  

General Conditions

  1.  Nondiscrimination: Applicants for this RFP shall not discriminate against any interested individual, firm or applicant on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, handicap, disability, marital status, pregnancy, sex, age, or sexual orientation.
  2. Permits, Licenses, and Insurance: The successful applicant for this RFP shall, at its sole expense, obtain and maintain during the term of any agreement executed pursuant to this RFP all appropriate permits, certificates, licenses, and insurance including, but not limited to, a City of Alameda Business License which may be required in connection with the performance of services hereunder.
  3. Signatures and Declarations: Each proposal responding to this RFP must be signed on behalf of the submitting entity by an officer authorized to bind the entity to its proposal.
  4. City’s Right to Waive: The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to waive any immaterial irregularities in a proposal responding to this RFP or in the submission of a proposal.
  5. City’s Right to Modify the RFP: The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this RFP should the City deem that it is in its best interests to do so. Any changes to the RFP requirements will be made by written addendum posted on the City’s website. The failure of an applicant to read any addenda shall have no effect on the validity of such modification.
  6. City’s Right to Suspend or Cancel the RFP: The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety should the City deem that it is in the City’s best interests to do so.
  7. City’s Right to Reject Any Proposal: The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any proposal responding to this RFP that the City determines does not satisfy the conditions set forth in this RFP, or contains false, misleading, or materially incomplete information. The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject all applicants and not to award to any applicant should the City deem that it is in its best interests to do so.
  8. City’s Right to Extend RFP Deadlines: The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to extend any of the deadlines listed in this RFP by written addenda should the City deem that it is in its best interests to do so.
  9. Cost of Proposals: All costs incurred during proposal preparation or in any way associated with an applicant’s preparations, submission, presentation or oral interview (if any) shall be the sole responsibility of Applicant.
  10. Liability for RFP Errors: Applicants are solely responsible for all errors and omissions contained in their responses to the RFP.
  11. Proposals Property of City: Upon receipt, each proposal responding to this RFP that an applicant submits to the City becomes the sole property of the City and will not be returned to the applicant.
  12. Oral and Written Explanations: The City shall not be bound by oral explanations or instructions given at any time during the process or after the award. Oral explanations given during the review process and after award become binding only when confirmed in writing by an authorized City official. Written responses to question(s) asked by one proposer will be provided to all applicants to this RFP.
  13. Public Record: All proposals submitted to the City are subject to the California Public Records Act.


Andre Fairley, Management Analyst, is available to answer questions and to respond to requests for additional information. All questions must be submitted in writing via email to and will be accepted until 9:00 a.m. on Monday, July 22, 2024. Answers will be posted on the RFP webpage on or before Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.


The Consultant Team will be required to execute the City’s standard Service Provider Agreement (Exhibit A). Submission of a proposal along with the requisite acknowledgments will constitute acceptance of this requirement.  

Download a PDF of Exhibit A here(PDF, 332KB).

Download a PDF of this RFP here(PDF, 569KB).