Request for Proposals for Sewer Rate Study

The City of Alameda (City) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to prepare a comprehensive sewer rate study, conduct the necessary property owner mailing and participate in the public hearing to adopt the proposed rates. The purpose of this study is to prepare a cost-of-service study, validate the appropriate rate structure, and recommend rates for the City that generate adequate revenue to cover:
• Current and future operations and maintenance costs based on established and anticipated regulations and industry best
   management practices;
• Rate stabilization;
• Capital Improvement project costs;
• An adequate reserve fund;
• Required debt coverage; and
• Necessary studies to maintain an efficient and resilient utility.
The study will analyze a 20-year period and develop a 5-Year Rate Structure compliant with California Proposition 218 requirement and any other relevant local, state and federal law.
Proposers shall read the information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to understand how to submit the proposal, what documents must accompany the proposal and what legal obligations apply when the Proposer submits a proposal. Any Proposer that wishes to be considered for this work must submit the information requested in this RFP and if invited, participate in an evaluation interview panel.


Please direct any Project questions to Erin Smith, Questions must be by written email and received by August 16, 2024.

Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format via email to with “SSMP Audit and Update Proposal” in the subject line. Proposals must be received by 2:00 PM on August 22, 2024. Late proposals will not be considered. The City assumes no responsibility for delays caused by delivery service. Any Proposal received prior to [DATE, TIME] may be modified by written addendum or withdrawn by written request from the Proposer to the City up to the official time when all proposals are due. Section VI contains a complete list of proposal requirements.

The City has designated the following activities and dates as key to the project schedule. Proposers are encouraged to assist the City in adhering to this timeline. The City reserves the right to change the schedule at its own discretion.

Anticipated Schedule for Selection

Issuance of RFP                                          July 25, 2024

Deadline to submit questions on RFP     August 16, 2024

Deadline to submit Proposals:                 August 22, 2024, 2 PM

Interviews (if deemed required):              September 2 – 13, 2024

Contract Award (Anticipated):                  September 30, 2024

View and Download:

RFP Sewer Rate Study  Click here(PDF, 2MB)