Lagoon 5 Dredging Project & Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project

The City of Alameda (“City”) will accept sealed bids for its Lagoon 5 Dredging Project and Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project (separate projects being bid together and referred to in this document under the singular term “Project”, by or before August, 20, 2024 at 1:00p.m., at the City’s Public Works Office, located at 950 West Mall Square, Suite 110, Alameda, CA 94501 at which time the bids will be publicly opened. No bids will be accepted unless submitted on the Bid Proposal and Schedule form provided in the Project Manual.

The Project includes, but is not limited to, performing the following Work:

For the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project:

Furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, except as herein specified; and doing all work associated with excavation of accumulated material from Lagoon 5 in the area shown on the plans, including mobilization, demobilization, Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP), traffic controls, debris and pollutant containment, permits, clean-up and all other associated work to complete the project at the locations designated in the plans.

For CEQA compliance, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISMND) is being reused that was previously obtained as part of the City’s 2014 lagoon dredging effort. This ISMND has Mitigation Measures and Regulatory Reporting (MMRP) that is required as part of this project (see App. A of Lagoon 5 Dredging Project Technical Specifications). The City plans to file a Notice of Determination document when the bid package is issued.

All regulatory permits applicable to the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project have already obtained by the City. These include the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permit and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 401 permit which are found in App. B of the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project Technical Specifications. Note that these permits cover both the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project and the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project. The Contractor is responsible for understanding each of the permits and their responsibility in executing the work in full compliance with them.

A Sediment Quality Evaluation that covers both the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project and the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project is included as App. C of the Technical Specifications. Any additional sediment quality data the Contractor deems necessary to complete the work is the responsibility of the Contractor.

For the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project:

Furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, except as herein specified; and doing all work associated with excavation of accumulated material from the concrete culvert and channel outfall area, excavation of rip-rap in the surrounding area, removal of unsound concrete from the outfall area and patching of concrete using Portland cement concrete, epoxy crack injection, and furnishing and erecting a new steel safety grate (galvanized steel, with a bid alternative of stainless steel) on the culvert; including mobilization, demobilization, Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP), traffic controls, debris and pollutant containment, permits, clean-up and all other associated work to complete the project at the locations designated in the plans.

For CEQA compliance, the City of Alameda has filed a Categorical Exemption (Class 1, 15301 and Class 4 15304(g)) for Maintenance of an existing facility with no expansion of use. Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) for the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project are a condition of the regulatory permits and are listed in Appendix A of the Technical Specifications. Contractor is responsible for executing the work in full compliance with them.

All regulatory permits applicable to the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project have already been obtained by the City. These include the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (SFBCDC) Regionwide Permit No. RWP-2, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permit, and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 401 permit which are all found in App. B of the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Technical Specifications. Note that the USACE 404 permit and the RWQCB 401 permit cover both the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project and the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project. The Contractor is responsible for understanding each of the permits and their responsibility in executing the work in full compliance with them.

A Sediment Quality Evaluation that covers both the Lagoon 5 Dredging Project and the Lagoon System Outfall Maintenance Project is included as App. D of the Technical Specifications. Any additional sediment quality data the Contractor deems necessary to complete the work is the responsibility of the Contractor.

No bids will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with Business and Professions Code section 7000 and following. The General Contractor shall possess a valid Class A construction license issued by the California Contractors State License Board for this Project.

Printed or electronic copies of the plans, specifications, and contract documents, including the Project Manual, and/or any issued addenda may be obtained from BPX Printing & Graphics located at 4903 Central Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804 for a non-refundable cost of $100 per set, exclusive of shipping and handling. Copies of the documents may be viewed and ordered at or by contacting BPX at (510) 559-8299 or at Please contact BPX for ordering or downloading questions. To ensure receipt of any subsequent communications (e.g., an Addenda), each prospective bidder is responsible for confirming that their firm appears on the BPX plan holders’ list.

Bidders are responsible for obtaining any and all changes to the plans, specifications, proposal forms, addenda, other project notifications, and documents during the bid process. A bid is invalid if the Bidder has not deposited it at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of bids indicated in this Notice Inviting Bids or prior to any addendum extension thereof.

A Mandatory prebid meeting will be held at the access path between 2811 and 2815 Bayview Drive, Alameda, CA., at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Please direct any Project questions to Aaliyah Douglas, Assistant Engineer at (510) 747 – 7941 or