Planning Division

Submit and check status for Planning Applications online through the Accela Citizen Portal.

Click Here (Accela Citizen Portal) to submit a Planning application for:

  • Certificate of Approval
  • Design Review
  • Development Plan/Amendment
  • Home Occupation Permit
  • Preliminary Review Application
  • Sign Permit
  • Subdivision/Parcel Maps
  • Use Permit
  • Work Live Permit
  • Zoning Clearance
  • Zoning Letter/Compliance Determinations

The portal will instruct you how to submit applicant and project information, and how to upload attachments for plans, drawings and any supplemental documentation for your application.

Click Here(PDF, 230KB) to see the Planning Permit Submittal Checklist to ensure you have all the correct required documents before submitting.

MEET WITH A PLANNER: Virtually via Zoom or By Phone

(510) 747-6805 and are the fastest ways to reach us. 

Still need assistance?

Book a 15-minute appointment to meet us via Zoom or by phone.  Please also indicate in the request the address, project number, and details about your inquiry. If you have a specific Planner working on your project you would like to meet with, please also indicate that. Staff will send you a follow up e-mail containing the Zoom meeting invitation.

To make an appointment with a Planner:

  Sign Up Here OR scan the QR code  QR_Planning.jpg

If you prefer to meet in person, you must indicate that in your appointment request. Please note that in person meetings will be held by the Planner available in the office at that time. Upon entering the Permit Center for your appointment, please sign-in at the Qminder iPad Kiosk for Planning.  A Planner will be notified of your arrival and call your name at the Permit Center counter. 

WALK-IN VISITS: Walk in visitors for Planning are also accepted at the Permit Center, but visitors with an appointment will be given first priority. 




ZONING CLEARANCE (for new or relocated businesses)

A Zoning Clearance is an application for the City to check the location of a new business to verify that it meets the requirements of the Zoning Code.  Obtaining a Zoning Clearance means your business can operate at your chosen location.  

The Zoning Clearance is a one-time approval that is good for as long as your business stays the same and in the same location. You will need the Zoning Clearance permit before applying for your business tax certificate.  

In some cases, before you get a Zoning Clearance your proposed business must also go through a Use Permit process.

Apply Online:  Click Here to use our online permit portal to apply for a Zoning Clearance.

After you receive a notification that your Zoning Clearance has been approved, you can print/download a copy of the Permit Receipt by clicking HERE.  You will then be prompted to enter your Application Number (Example PLNXX-XXXX).

The receipt showing an "Approved" status is your Zoning Clearance.

Include a copy of the Zoning Clearance with your Business License application filed with the City’s Finance Department.

*As of January 1, 2020, all small and large family daycare homes no longer require a business license or home occupation registration.  For more information, see Cal. Health & Safety Code section 1597.42, The Keeping Kids Close to Home Act (SB 234).  


HOME OCCUPATION PERMITS (for businesses based out of a residence)

A home occupation is a business conducted by a resident on the premises of their home such as a home office, a service provider, or the selling of goods manufactured by hand or grown on the premises, and cottage food operations. 

If you own a business and your home address is used as a business address, you will need a Home Occupation Permit.  

The Home Occupation Permit is a one-time approval that is good for as long as your business stays the same and in the same location. You will need the Home Occupation Permit to be approved by the Planning Division before applying for your business tax certificate. 

Apply Online:  Click Here to use our online permit portal to apply for a Home Occupation Permit.

After you receive a notification that your Home Occupation Permit has been approved, you can print/download a copy of the Permit Receipt by clicking HERE.  You will then be prompted to enter your Application Number (Example PLNXX-XXXX).

The receipt showing an "Approved" status is your Home Occupation Permit.

Include a copy of the Home Occupation Permit with your Business License application filed with the City’s Finance Department.

*As of January 1, 2020, all small and large family daycare homes no longer require a business license or home occupation registration.  For more information, see Cal. Health & Safety Code section 1597.42, The Keeping Kids Close to Home Act (SB 234).  


General Plan

Adopted Housing Element 2023-2031(PDF, 10MB)

On November 15, 2022, the Alameda City Council adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element. This Housing Element would not have been possible without the input, help, and suggestions from a wide variety of Alameda citizens, interest groups, and advocates who participated in the public process (over 25 public meetings) of creating this Housing Element over the last three years. The Housing Element is now under review and pending certification by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

General Plan 2040

On November 30, 2021, the City Council adopted the new Alameda 2040 General Plan.State law requires the City to maintain a General Plan that is an “integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the adopting agency.”(Gov.Code, § 65300.5.) To be an effective, internally consistent set of policies to guide decision-making, a General Plan must be up to date and address current planning issues and challenges facing the community. General Plan 2040 is the product of an extensive and inclusive community process to craft policies, goals, and proposed actions necessary to address major issues facing the community over the next 20 years. The result of the work is a comprehensive, internally consistent, and forward-thinking blueprint for meeting the community’s long-term vision for the future.



Zoning Ordinance   

Zoning Map(PDF, 2MB)

Design Guidelines

Window Replacement Design Guidelines(PDF, 1MB)

Guide to Residential Design(PDF, 4MB)
Guide to Residential Design - Ranch Style Houses(PDF, 4MB)

Objective Design Review Standards (Adopted 7/24/23)(PDF, 2MB)

Citywide Design Review Manual(PDF, 10MB)

Webster Street Design Manual(PDF, 2MB)
Webster Street Vision Plan (2010)(PDF, 23MB)

Exterior Paint Guidelines for Alameda Point Historic District(PDF, 539KB)

Alameda Point

Alameda Point key documents are located on the Base Reuse Department web page.

Learn about major development projects in the City of Alameda.

Major Projects

Minor Projects include predominantly small-lot residential Design Review and Certificate of Approval applications under review by the Planning Director.  A decision to approve or deny the application will be made by the Planning Director on the specified date.  The links below contain a copy of the public notice and project descriptions. 

Minor Planning Projects - January 9, 2025

Minor Planning Projects - January 23, 2025


















TO FIND OUT MORE: The project files are available online through the City’s ePermit Portal at: . Click on the “Planning” tab and then search by Permit Number or Address. The project plans and documents will be listed under “Documents.”

COMMENTS: Comments should be directed to the respective project planner and no later than the decision date noted above.  Questions may also be directed to the Planning Division at 510-747-6805.

NEXT STEPS: The Planning Director will make a decision on these applications on the date noted above unless revisions to a particular application are deemed necessary as a result of public comments.  Decisions that are postponed due to revisions will be renoticed for a decision at a later date.  Decisions made by the Planning Director are appealable to the Planning Board until 5:00 p.m. on the tenth (10th) calendar day after the decision date above.  Please contact the project planner regarding filing an appeal.  During the appeal period, the Planning Board may also call for review a decision made by the Planning Director.  

The City of Alameda is committed to the preservation of its historic neighborhoods, buildings, and sites as part of its planning for the future.  By preserving the important pieces of Alameda's history, the City is focused on a framework that allows it to develop and grow without affecting the strong heritage that helps define the Alameda community.

Go to the Historic Preservation page.

What We Do

The Planning Division is responsible for helping the City Council plan for Alameda's future growth and development.  We review  development proposals for compliance with the federal, state and local laws and policies.  Planners also provide public assistance on obtaining planning approvals in the Permit Center.  We also support the City's Planning Board and the Historical Advisory Board.

Planning Division Staff Members

Allen Tai, Planning, Building and Transportation Director

Steven Buckley, Planning Services Manager

Henry Dong, Planner III

Brian McGuire, Planner II

Tristan Suire, Planner II