
The City of Alameda offers accessible, affordable transportation services for seniors and people with disabilities. Our programs augment East Bay ParatransitAC Transit, BART, and the San Francisco Bay Ferry

Our Programs

  • AIM Program (Alameda Independent Mobility) provides subsidized rides on Uber/Lyft to eligible City of Alameda residents who are ages 70+ OR at least 18 years old and East Bay Paratransit certified. 
  • Free AC Transit Bus Passes for low income older adults and people with a certified disability. We are now accepting applications to our waitlist.

Our Services

  • Mobility management and assistance - Finding the right transportation options for you or for someone you care for
  • Transit app training
  • Trip planning on public transit
  • Workshops covering topics related to transportation
  • Travel training


The City of Alameda Paratransit Program is funded by Measure BB





The City of Alameda is excited to offer transportation services through the AIM, Alameda for Independent Mobility, program. AIM is for residents of the City of Alameda who are 70+ years old, or, 18+ years old and East Bay Paratransit Certified. Recognizing that EBP does not provide same day trips and medical return trips can be difficult to pre-schedule due to timing, the AIM program can help facilitate these same-day trip needs.

The AIM Program serves as a concierge service using Eden I&R, Inc as a call center. Eden I&R will arrange and monitored up to six Uber or Lyft trips per month within Alameda County. Applicants agree to use this concierge service and pay the first $4 of each ride and any charge over $25 using a credit, debit or prepaid debit card. The service will be offered:

Monday through Friday from 8:15 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

WAV’s (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle) cannot be guaranteed due to Uber’s limited stock in Alameda County at this time. AIM service can be used for any same day medical trips, rides for shopping or errands, to go to a movie or visit a friend. 

Eden I&R, Inc. is also the provider of the 2-1-1 social services help line for the City of Alameda. When a caller requests a ride, the representatives are available to offer other assistance such as finding food or healthcare resources when requested.

Applicants interested in applying for the AIM program must complete an AIM Program application and will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, as funding allows. This program is funded by Measures BB, which is administered by the Alameda County Transportation Commission.

Download an AIM application HERE(PDF, 322KB)

在此下載中文版 AIM 申請表(PDF, 984KB)

在此下载中文版 AIM 申请表(PDF, 502KB)

If you have any questions regarding this program or would like to request an application, please email, or call 510.747.7513.

This program is full but we are accepting applications to the waitlist

Free AC Transit Bus Passes: The City's Paratransit program provides free AC Transit bus passes to:

  • Alameda residents who are 65 years old or older and meet the low-income requirement. Available on a first-come, first served basis.
  • Alameda residents who are ages 18 - 64 with a certified disability and meet the low-income requirement. Available on a first-come, first served basis.

Pass holders over the age of 50, are required to maintain a Mastick Senior Center membership which is free and must renewed annually in July.

We are now accepting applications for our waitlist. 

To join the waitlist, complete the application and provide proof of residency. Proof of residency is a valid photo ID with your name and current address or provide a photo ID and a utility bill with your name and current address. If you do not have one of these and live in Alameda, please contact the Paratransit Coordinator directly. This pass is available ONLY to residents of the City of Alameda.

Download the Alameda Free AC Transit Bus Pass Application HERE(PDF, 302KB)

在此下載阿拉米達免費 AC Transit 巴士通行證應用程式的中文版(PDF, 683KB)

在此下载阿拉米达免费 AC Transit 巴士通行证应用程序的中文版(PDF, 537KB)


Contact: For more information, please contact the Paratransit Coordinator at Mastick Senior Center at (510) 747-7513 or



Transportation 101


Join paratransit staff for our FREE Transportation 101 workshop to learn about the various transportation options for Mastick Senior Center members. Lots of resources are available to answer your questions and help you travel around Alameda... and more!

Guest speakers provide information on obtaining a senior clipper card and how to use it, safe driving and more.

The next Transportation 101 course will take place on:

Friday, March 7, 2025 at 10:00 am

To sign up for one of our workshops, click here,
or call 510-747-7500


If you are interested and want to learn more, contact:

Paratransit Coordinator



Mastick Monthly Trips

The City of Alameda financially assists with transportation expenses for the Mastick Senior Center monthly trip program. Travel destinations may include various Bay Area locations (i.e. San Francisco, Livermore, etc.). Sign up is on a first come, first served basis.

Eligibility requirements: Must be 50 years of age or older and a member of the Mastick Senior Center
Cost: Trip fees range from $45 to $75, depending on trip amenities or class registration fees.
Contact: Please contact Mastick Senior Center at 510.747.7500 for more information.

Leisure Club

The City of Alameda provides a van to pick up and return members of the Alameda Recreation & Park Department Leisure Club, a social recreation program offered twice a month for adults, 18 years or older, with disabilities.

Eligibility requirements: Must be 18 years or older, with special needs.
Cost: Free.
Contact: Please contact the Alameda Recreation & Park Department at 510.747.7529 for more information.


Easy-Does-It-Logo.jpg Emergency Wheelchair Services now provided by Easy Does It!

If your wheelchair, scooter or other mobility device breaks down while you are out and about in the cities of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Emeryville, Hayward, Oakland, San Leandro or San Lorenzo, call Easy Does It's urgent dispatch at 510.704.2111.

The dispatch will connect you with a technician who will attempt to troubleshoot the problem over the phone. If the issue cannot be resolved, the technician will meet you at your location, attempt minor on-site repairs, and if still needed, get you home safely.  The Fast Accessible Safe Transportation and Emergency Repair (FASTER)  service is available from 10 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday, and is funded by Measures B & BB through the Alameda County Transportation Commission.  For more information, please click here.